Alix X Female Reader

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Requested By: Xxloser_annyxX

Warning: Slight swearing.

This is my first day at my new school. My family moved just last week and my parents enrolled my younger sister and me in our schools for the year. I definitely miss my old friends, but I'm excited about a fresh start. 

I walk up the stairs to my new school with my head held high. I pass by multiple people who take notice of me but don't say anything. But once I walk through the doors, a blond girl and her ginger sidekick stop me in my tracks. 

"And who are you supposed to be?" The blond says, crossing her arms. 

"Y/N L/N. You must be the mayor's daughter, which I've heard so much about," I say with an eye roll. 

"You must be new here. Let's get something straight. I am in charge here. Whatever I say, you do."

"Hah! You're funny. Goodbye, blond bitch," I say, and push past her. 

After that encounter, I make my way up the stairs and over to a classroom that looks to be an art room. Upon entering the room, my nose is filled with a familiar scent; spraypaint. I walk into the classroom more because I haven't seen anyone yet, and when I turn to look to the left, I see a pink-haired girl spraypainting on a huge canvas.

"Cool art," I say, admiring her work. 

"Thanks, it's not quite done yet. But it should look even cooler when it is," she says, turning my way and pulling her goggles off. 

"I think it would almost be too much if you add more. It has a cool simple pizzazz to it right now as is," I explain, tilting my head slightly. 

"Hmm." Alix steps back and next to me. "Maybe you're right."

"Trust me. I know a thing or two about street art and spray painting," I say, with a sly smile.

"You do it?"

"I do." I pull out my phone and go to my gallery. "Ever seen any of these pieces around town?"

"Those are yours?!" Alix asks as I show her my past works. 

"They are." I smile.

"Maybe we should team up on a piece?"

"Definitely! That would be awesome! We should walk around a look for the perfect canvas."

It's been a couple of months now, Alix and I have spraypainted multiple pieces of artwork on walls in Paris, mainly as far away from places we're frequently at. We have yet to be caught which is nice and Nadia has already made multiple news reports on them. Kids around the school have even talked about it. 

After all the time we've been spending together, I have grown strong feelings for Alix. She's just so cool and we have so many similar interests and she's just overall a lot of fun to hang out with. 

Alix and I usually plan to vandalize together, but this is the first time in a few months that I'm planning one on my own. It's an abstract art that I designed of Alix. I want to do it on a billboard for everyone to see. This will be extremely risky, but so worth it. It could be my way of showing her how much I like her...

I'm finishing the last touches on my design of Alix as I walk through the doors of the school, but I'm stopped when I hear the room go quiet. I look up and everyone is looking at me, curiosity in their eyes. 

"Y/N, please come to my office," Mr. Damocles says. I follow him up to his office as I close my sketchbook. 

"What's this about," I ask as we enter his office. I sit down in the chair across from his desk. 

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