Luka Couffaine X Reader

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Just a quick disclaimer, Chat Noir does not exist for the purpose of this oneshot.

Today has been a very eventful day, my mom left on a business trip, I bombed Ms. Mendeleiev's test, and my sister got akumatized. Oh wait, did I say 'got' no I mean is. I'm following her right now waiting for Viperion and Ladybug to show up.

Where are they? They need to get here soon. I look around the rooftops searching the sky for Ladybug and Viperion, but there is still no sign of them. My sister stops at the Eiffel Tower and I continue to look up at her. That is until I'm swept off my feet. 

"Viperion?!" I exclaim, looking up at the light aqua blue-eyed hero.

"You shouldn't be so close to the villain," he says, his voice soft and kind.

"But that's my sister!" I yell, turning my head back towards the Eiffel Tower.

"Do you happen to know where her Akuma is?" He asks, setting me down.

"If I had to guess, I think it's in the bow clip in her hair. She always wears it and I noticed it was still in her hair even in her akumatized state," I say quickly so as to not keep him from the battle for too long.

"Thank you, Y/N." Viperion smiles. How did he know my name? As Viperion leaves, I look at my surroundings and realize I'm at the park. Well, I'm not that far from my house. I just have to trust that Viperion and Ladybug will be able to take down my sister.

I walk back to my house and grab my phone out of my bedroom. I pull up Nadia's live broadcast and watch the action between the hero's and my sister. About 10 minutes later, my sister is deakumatized and Viperion and her are flying through the window. 

"S/N!" I squeal. "You're okay!" I hug S/N and Viperion's miraculous beeps.

"Thank you, Viperion." I smile at him. Viperion smiles back and leaves through the window.

The next morning rolls around. I turn off my alarm clock and was planning on going back to bed until I remembered I have school today. I groan and roll out of bed.

After I get dressed, I go down to the kitchen. "You off to school?" S/N asks.

"Yep! I'll see you later... and don't get akumatized again," I say, quickly closing the front door. I hear something hit the door and I laugh, walking away. 

"Luka!" I shout running to him as soon as I spot him inside the school. 

"Morning, Y/N," he says with a smile.

"You ready for class?" I ask.

"Of course." Luka smiles. We begin to walk to class when we pass an unfamiliar face. I stop in my tracks and look back at the girl. 

"Who's she?" I ask.

"Not sure, but we should get to class before we're late," Luka says, grabbing my hand and dragging me along. My eyes don't leave the girl until I can no longer see her.

"Y/N, Luka, good morning." Mireille smiles. 

"Good morning, Mireille," I respond.

I sit down next to Mireille near the back of the class and Luka sits down in front of us. We chat for a bit before the bell rings, but once it does the girl from earlier walks right into the classroom. I gasp slightly as the ginger stands at the front of the class. 

"Good morning, class. This is Riumi Blanc, she's deaf. She can read lips, but it would help her if you could all take the time to meet her halfway by learning to sign," our teacher says.

"What's with the face Y/N," Mireille asks.

"She has a weird vibe," I whisper.

"You may go sit by Luka Couffaine. Luka, if you'll please raise your hand."

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