6 year old

22 0 2

   We were running to a Brown and orange apartment. Mom ran up to a door and knocked. A small man opened it up and his eyes widened. He looked scared. As if something was behind us. Mom told me not to look behind me and if I did she told me I won't get my blanket she made me. So I did what I was told.

     The man told us to come inside and have a seat. mom walked in and I tagged along. The man walked in a room, then came back with stuff-animal's. Mom said "go play in a room quietly and do NOT look outside."

hours later, mom came running in with a panicked look. The small man walked in shortly after with a gun. He shut the door and locked it. Mom and the man both stated to move a dresser towards the door and pushed it up against it. Then they put a bed on the window.

     We sat in silence for an hour while hearing  screams behind the door. I looked up at mom and asked " mom, why are we hiding?" Moms looked at me terrified.

     the screams became louder. then the door knob started to turn with a screech.

     We all heard a small click and then an explosion went off and all I could see was black.


227 words

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