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    Mi Casa Su Casa... right?

       THE GUESTS WERE MINGLING AROUND, Phoenix wouldn't like to admit that she felt out of place but from her spot at the makeshift bar that was exactly how she felt. All these adults and the few schoolmates she could recognize filled the decorated backyard. It was moments like this that she was forever grateful her parents decided against throwing her a party just like this. The atmosphere was just too professional, so staged and felt nothing like a birthday celebration. So here she was leaning against the bar a glass of champagne in hand and she observed the crowd. Ander had yet to arrive and from what he had told her he was bringing Christian, and for that exact reason, she couldn't be more excited to see the look on Guzmán's face.

"You know you can't hide forever." A voice from behind her spoke.
"I could always try," Phoenix replied Turing around to face Marina, the champagne glass in her hand on its third refill. "I heard you were the one to persuade Samuel to come." There was something in her voice... she spoke almost with detest.

I was quick to reply "I wouldn't exactly say persuade, I just mentioned that it would be priceless to miss the look on your brother's face if he were to show up." Phoenix was quick to turn away from Marina. Even with her back turned she could still feel Marina's eyes on her. She couldn't help but feel uneasy, this Marina was different and for once she felt this was not the kind of different she liked.

It wasn't long before Samuel arrived, along with him came Ander who of course stuck to his word and brought Christian along. One thing Phoenix was a bit surprised to see was Nadia after all she had told her she wasn't thinking about coming.
Samuel slowly approached." Not what u expected but then again I really didn't know what to expect". He spoke once he was close enough to Phoenix.

She chuckled "yeah well this party is more for networking and an excuse for parents to brag about their children. She quietly said hello to someone as they passed by. It's not so much to celebrate a birthday".

"well that's depressing" Samuel laughed along with Phee as they made their way into the house. It was clear that Samuel was on the lookout for Marina but she wasn't gonna say anything, At least not yet.

" You know I can put in a good word for you" she spoke rather reluctantly.

Samuel turned to her with a questioning look " am I supposed to know exactly what you're talking about?". Although he knew deep down she was talking about marina.
Phoenix stopped in place and gave him a look that clearly said 'are you serious'. But said nothing

They continued quietly but it was nothing awkward, almost a comforting slinger between the two. From afar people could observe the two leaning against the bar, you could see every now and then how they chuckled. Samuel couldn't hold back his laugh while Phoenix continued her little outfit critic.

   . . . . . .

Deciding to move from their makeshift 'heaven', they both mingled and of course, it was Phee doing most of the talking rather than Samuel. But he was absolutely okay with that because for some reason just by watching her he could tell how much she really enjoyed interacting with people. There were moments where they would make eye contact and she would roll her eyes just to show how much she would rather be anywhere else than holding this conversation. It was hard for Samuel to hide his smile whenever that happened. Phoenix was starting to feel bad for dragging the same out to this party. Nodding along to whatever Mr.Ortega was speaking about, in the corner of her eye she could see that Ander was barely holding himself up, and if it weren't for the bar he was leaning on she was sure he'd topple over by now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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