| Kicked Out |

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  |??? P.O.V|

Damn it.. I can't believe that this is happening. I looked up to see my father staring at me with a stern look,

"Brat, get your shit and leave this house. Me and your mother decided we cannot put up with your lies and stealing anymore, so you must leave this house." This is my 'father', his name doesn't concern you though and I personally would rather not even mention it. My 'mother' doesn't deserve it either. But I, I am Kokichi Oma, leader of D.I.C.E.

My 'parents' and I moved around a week ago to this place that was pretty far away from where we had been living, along with forcing me to have to leave behind the people I considered true family. I would've ran away, but I considered the options and it all led to this. I guess it was about time that I was kicked out, they didn't care a lot about me and honestly just ignored my existence unless they really had to.

The first thing I grabbed from my belongings was my favorite scarf, you could tell it was my favorite because the white checkers on it had started to darken a bit, the second thing was a special pin that had the D.I.C.E logo on it so I'd never forget about my true family. And third was my ID, since I knew I'd need a job to at least grant myself a bit of luxury. That's all I saw important other than the basics like my blanket, a notebook so that I can maybe do something, and other things. My backpack was filled to the brim before long, becoming exceptionally difficult to even close it. I ate before the time came for them to tell me that the time I had to get everything I wanted was gone, and so I gave them one, no, two last lies,

"I love you, I'm sorry.." and went out the door before they could react to that lie. Of course I don't love them, why would I even care about them? I decided that my first course of action should go into finding a temporary place to stay, even if abandoned or run down, anywhere would be better to stay that is NOT the bare ass streets.

(Before I put out anymore, should I instead just make this a one-shot and put the rest of the story into the next chapter? <Mostly so I don't have to shove everything into this one> Along with any advice to improve would make me happy, I really want to improve. If their is anything in this <Or even about maybe my username!> that you think is offensive, I will personally look it up and try to correct it as soon as possible. I will try to check in daily in the middle of the day <EST Time> or at the middle of the night <Still, EST Time>. Hope you enjoy the story, and Happy Pride Month!)

His Little Mouse Friend |DANGANRONPA AU|Where stories live. Discover now