Chapter 13: Lazy Day

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Ashton's P.O.V

        When we woke up the next morning we were all scared to be honest. We didn't know if they'd still want us after we made a huge fool out of ourselves. Calum especially did the deed, telling One Direction and their managers stuff that didn't need to be said at all. Sometimes he doesn't think, but that's why we love the unofficial band member sometimes.

        I had actually woken up by a text message from Biannaca. Honestly lately she's been kinda of...clingy towards me, especially my wallet. I don't get why she constantly wants me to buy her things, she has alot more money than I do. I don't even have a job, I just get paid from my parents for chores, which is fine, except that now I'm nearly broke because we've been running around like crazed animals. I wish to have more money but I am currently leaning onto the others, all of them who had jobs before we came to London.

        Sure I love Biannaca. We've been together for almost a month I think, though I wouldn't be so sure since I'm not very good at keeping track of dates. I actually don't know if I love her anymore, it's almost like fighting fire with fire. No one wins, no one loses. It's just a pitiful sight to see.

        I was currently getting ready for the day. We were just going to lounge around the hotel room, since Modest! was paying for our hotel trip for two weeks I think, though I'll have to double check with Luke. Luke is the one who keeps track of when we'r suposed to do this and that, while I'm the one who just does what needs to be done and comforts, or cuddles [I do both], when absolutely needed.

        "Ash! Where's the soap?!" Michael suddenly yelled from the bathroom. We all knew nobody could go in there after him since he always had the shower scalding hot and it would only leave us with cold shower to wash up with. I sighed softly, opening my mouth to answer.

        "Nitwit if you're going to continue to dye you're hair you won't have anything else left because you'll grow to be bald before you're even 25!" Calum yelled back at Michael in response to his question, "Besides, didn't you learn from the movies to never drop the soap?!"

        Luke and I both looked up at each other from where we were sitting on the bed. We knew they were having on of those weeks where they wanted to stab each other and watch the other one bleed to death on the ground.

        Okay, I need to stop watching crime shows, no matter how addicting they are.


        After eating our lunch, which consisted of all junk food, we went back to the hotel room. I noticed that Luke looked paler than usual, but I shrugged it off. It's not that I don't care about him, I do, it's just that I know his personality. He hates being coddled all the times and prefers to just take care of someone instead. I'm kind of the same myself, but I do enjoy a good cuddle whenever I need one.

        "Mikey you're never going to win." Luke snickered as he looked at his Nintendo DSI. See, we weren't really popular so we resorted to music and video games. It still sticks with us to this very day.

        "Yeah right, I'm a whole lap ahead of you." Michael scoffed, the gaming console emitting light onto his face of bright colors.

        We watched as Luke paused the game, "Excuse me? We're battling each other, not racing."

        We all burst out laughing, even Michael despite making the mistake. It's times like these where I love hanging out with my band mates, who slowly made their way into being best friends.

        I didn't catch myself staring at the way Luke laughed or how he concentrated so hard on his video game. The way his blonde hair got into his face all the time made me want to tuck it behind his ear. Others would say he needs a haircut, but I think he looks absolutely perfect.

        Only when my phone beeped with a text message from Biannaca did I realize I was checking out Luke.

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