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''I can't believe you guys arrived late''

''you do know, you never gave us a specific time''

''you should have known?"


''I dont know'' “now it will seem like I dont keep to promises''

''that's the seventh time you are saying that statement for the record''

''I still can't believe you brought my personal Assistant....'' they have been going at this for hours, apparently we arrived late cause of some sort of heavy traffic and Adrian was quite pissed about it cause I quote ‘she was meant to help me with the kids’ and I really dont know how he was so sure I was good with kids.

''Nick, Adrian, ENOUGH!, I really dont know why you are still freaking out, its long gone, we are home, and I'm fucking hungry, I need lunch. You both upstairs now, have a shower and come back down for lunch in ten minutes''

''seesh Mother Hen'' Nick joked

''Wow'' Adrian said

I glared at them and they rushed upstairs. But in all honesty I can't cook to save myself, so I was just going to order express pizza and ice-cream.

I dialed up the number and gave them the address but then I remembered that I possibly had to go stand outside cause of the whole electrical gate shit, but then again I remember seeing a button for bell at the side for the gate and there were security camera's to see if anyone was at the gate. I probably forgot to mention that I found some sort of control room in the house. I'm thinking it should be the same with the other houses. I was already at the control room and the sound of the doorbell or should I say gate bell brought me out of my thoughts. I checked and I saw the delivery man and I skipped outside to the gate to get the food, cause I wasnt sure if Adrian wanted unknown people on his property. Just to be clear we were at Nick's and Wes's house but I had no idea where Wes was.

When I entered the house Nick and Adrian where sitting on the couch waiting for me.

''hey guys so I ordered pizza and ice-cream, hope you dont mind. Cause I can't cook right now and even if I could I couldnt find any cooking ingredients, Nick needs need to go grocery shopping on Saturday'' I said in one breath.

''her authoritative aura is gone'' nick observed

''so you sent us upstairs to get down in ten minutes making us think you were going to whip up a major lunch only to come back and meet pizza and ice-cream, what is this? Some sort of girls hangout?'' Adrian started again with his mood drama

''calm down bro, she was probably just annoyed by our bickering and you don't expect her to actually ‘whip up a major lunch’ in 10 minutes'' he glared at Nick but didnt say anything. I didn't say anything offensive either I just went with the flow.

“so you going to take the pizza and ice-cream or what?" I asked Adrian

''no, thank you'' he replied just about the same time his stomach grumbled. I smirked at him and went to grab a plate and put 4 slices of pizza on it and shoved it in his face and a cup of ice-cream.

''I wasnt sure of your favourites so I got chocolate for you Adrian and vanilla for you Nick''

''look Adrian, she got our ice-cream flavours right, she is a goddess isn't she?" he grunted in response but still ate the pizza anyway. I sat down on another couch and ate silently. Everywhere was silent but it was more of a comfortable silence than an awkward one.

''so Nick not to bother you, but you do realise you had an appointment at ten which you missed and you were meant to go back to the company for work, right?"

''well that's worse than eating pizza and ice-cream for lunch'' Adrian said snickering at Nick

''shut it barface!'' Nick screamed, Adrian laughed at the comment woah! His laughter was so mesmerizing, while Nick continued ''B..T..W, I had the whole conference meeting sorted out. I attended for a short while via video call while barfface had is closing speech whatever with the orphanage owners and caretakers, gave them some silly excuse not to attend for the whole time, as for work at the company, mehh will do it tomorrow''

''I can't believe you just said BTW as a word, you should just have said 'by the way'..LOL''

''for the second time shut it barface, you just said LOL so I can say BTW''

''well yeah, cause....''

''okay guys, Shut it! let's get your lazy asses back into work clothes cause we ain't postponing your office work Nick and am sure you gat work Adrian.''

''oh come on!!'' they both groaned.

''I can't change again'' they chorused

''well then, let's go like this, BTW you both look hotter in casual wears anyway'' I said without thinking.

''really?'' they chorused again

''hey you said my word, BTW and I know honey, we hot'' nick said throwing me a wink and I turned pink at the cheeks, but got over it while Adrian had a small smirk that I almost missed

''at the rate which you both are syncing, I'm starting to think you both are twins, anyway lets hit the road, it's kinda in my bucket list to wear casuals to work on a working day''

''you sure about this?"

''come on, we will be fine, we will even be taking your private elevator'' I beamed at Nick

''Adrian come on lets go'' Nick said grabbing his car keys

''uhn uhn, we taking my car''

''show off'' I heard Nick muttering under his breath.

''I heard that Nicky''

''only my sis calls me that, dri dri'' I knew they were about to start their bickering again so I cut in

''Dridri? you didnt tell me you had a nickname like that Adrian'' he grunted, I smirked

''its Adrian to you only'' he said practically shooting daggers at my face. I laughed as we got closer to the car

''I'm calling dibs on the front sit Nicky boy'' I shouted at Nick while he pouted like a five year old kid

''I haven't heard that one in a long time, Nicky Boy, I miss your mum'' Adrian said taunting Nick as we all got into the car and drove out.

''for the third time shut it barfface''

''you know this face is hot, even Alex said it'' I blushed at his statement

''Alex tell him you were specifically talking about me'' Nick said pouting at me. I was definitely not going to let myself get dragged into their annoying but cute bickers.

''now now boys, let's forget about your minor squabble and listen to some good music'' I said and put on the radio. Well that did the trick, they were quiet till we got to the company.

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