chapter one

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Every year, since she and Ray were little, they'd go out trick-or-treating. Both of them knew each and every street of Hawkins like the backs of their hands. It was relatively easy, considering they lived in a small town, and so there wasn't a lot of area to cover, but still — the two prided themselves on this fact as kids. They'd plan their trips weeks ahead of time. The main objective was always to get the maximum amount of candy possible, and they were determined to reach this goal. Going to Loch Nora, the neighborhood where all the rich people lived, was unavoidable, and they'd go as early as possible in order to be subject to the most generosity that was going to be displayed to them that specific evening. Then, they'd go to either of the two's houses and watch a movie, while they filled their guts with sickeningly sweet candy that would eventually be thrown up the next morning.

This year is no different. Of course, they don't plan on going to strangers' houses demanding they give them candy — they'd abandoned that long ago — but the movie-watching kind of stuck. Most people would have gone to Tina Johnson's party that she hosted every year, without fail. Nicole and Ray had gone last year (and had more fun than they'd like to admit, but had still left around an hour later), but this year, Ray had set his foot down and insisted that they stay home and continue their annual tradition. She doesn't blame him; a pretty large part of her wouldn't miss it for the world.

So, now, she stands in her dining room and stares at the list she'd made earlier.

"What do you think of My Bloody Valentine?"

Her brother sighs in frustration as he tries to shove the rest of his waffle in his mouth, all the while practically running around the house in search of something. He pauses and opens his mouth to speak, but all he manages to get out is a series of muffled words. Nicole nods, urging him to swallow his food first, then speak.

"I thought you already watched that last time?"

"Well, we were going to, but someone else had already rented it. So we had to pick a new one."

"Um..." Brian closes his eyes, as if in deep thought. "How about something scarier?"

"Right," Nicole says. She examines her list once more. There's, like, only seven movies on there, but somehow choosing one seems impossible. She groans, resting her head on the table.

Getting back up, she looks at the piece of paper yet again, and it's a good few minutes before her gaze finally lands on the perfect film for tonight — Something Wicked This Way Comes. It's a pretty lowkey movie; she only found out about it because Greg Davis, the kid who works at Family Video, decided to be nice for once and recommend it to her and Ray when they went to return a movie they rented a few weeks back. Nicole smiles with satisfaction as she underlines its name in the black ink of her pen, before placing it in the front pocket of her bag.

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