III-Proud to be me

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"A one, and a two and a three." I said as I began to play.

I was looking at the little kid and his mom the entire time. To end the concert I played the song the band loved. 'Star Wars'. The little kid was so hypnotized the entire time. I went back stage and the little kid was there waiting.

"Mulli!" he yelled in excitement.

"Hey little guy, wheres you're mom?" I asked.

"Shes outside waiting. I wanted to say how awesome you are! I hope I can be you someday." the little kid said.

"Heh. Well kid, I started like you so I don't doubt it." I said as I led him towards the door.

"Bye! I wish you stayed here on Coruscant." he said.

"Oh don't worry kid. I'll be back." I said.

I led his to his mom. I waved at them.

"Bye Mulli!" he yelled as he waved back.

I felt tears in my eyes. I walked back inside and packed my stuff. I contacted my friend who worked at the bar on Corellia.

"I'll be there in an hour or so." I said.

"Got it." he replied.

I checked to see if I had everything. I heard footsteps.

"Hey man." Lammy said.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Well I just wanted to say it's been nice knowing you. I know that you already know that I won't be coming to Corellia since I was offered a job on Kashyyk but I guess what I want to say is that you'll be family. My brother 'till I die." Lammy said.

"You too man. I hope you have a good time on Kashyyyk." I replied.

We shook hands. I said bye to everyone except Ruby who wasn't there.

"Wheres Ruby?" I asked.

"Outside I think." Diamond said.

I went outside and saw Ruby.

"Hey Ruby. I'll make it quick. It's been nice knowing you." I said holding my hand hoping she would shake it. She got up and hugged me.

"I hope to see you again." Ruby replied.

She kissed me cheek. I guess it was better than shaking hands.

"I'll see you some time." I said to Ruby.

I left towards the ship. Turns out we were all on the same transport ship. We were all happy and talked the entire time. Diamond was the first stop.

"Bye!" we all said in a sad tone. Kunii was the next stop and we said our goodbyes. Lan'ru'mon and Jamu were the next stop. We said our goodbyes as well. Ruby got off too. After Lammy left it was just me back to Corellia. I didn't want to go if it meant losing all my friends but what could I do? I was left with the Ewok as well. No one wanted it.

Star Wars:Band of the best VI part 2Where stories live. Discover now