Chapter 1

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Me and my little sister Rachel are packing to move to Tennessee. There total hicks there plus it smells like crap their.
"Rach where did you put my phone? You were playing on it a minute ago? I ask her.
"It's here Josh!" She tells me.
As I walk towards her room i stop and think about changing schools "it's going to be really hard for Rach" I think
I continue walking into my sisters room slowly.
"Where is it?'' I ask her.
She points to her desk in her room.she picks up a picture of our mom and smiles.
"What do got their Rach?" I ask her.
She looks up and says "Mom" she answers then looks back down.
Our mom died when Rachel was three years old. I walked back out of her room and closed her door. Usually sibling fight because my sister has been through a lot in her nine years of life,so I try to be nice and supportive to her.
"Kids come on we need to go!!!" Our dad shouts to us. We live in Canada so we need to fly there.
"Okay" I shout back at him. My sister was struggling with her luggage so I helped her with them. We run down the stairs. Rachel keeps reading a note our mother gave us. It says....
Dear Josh and Rachel I am sorry I had to leave so soon but remember I will always love you two kids forever will always remember you guys
Mommy xoxo
She puts the note in her backpack and then we leave to go the airport it was a two hour delay for the plain ride me my sister were very tired, I am now carrying her because it's a 1:30 in the morning I am going to wake her up when we get on the plain, after hours and hours of waiting we got on the plain then i woke her up. She asked me if we got on the plain I said yes we did. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms up Then looked out the widow. She looked sad and not happy.
"What's wrong Rachel?" I asked her.
"We're moving Josh and it scary for me it took me two years to make a friend and now I need to move." she claims.
"Sorry Rach."i apologized to her.
I know it scary for her I'm not happy about that idea to move to a place that my sister didn't know that exists, she thought it was called tenses racket. I was laughing so hard and she was so serious. it was like this
"We're moving to teenseee."i said
And I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants and she looked so serious her face was priceless.
"I don't get why they would name a place tenses racket but okay."She told me.
That was really funny, me and Rachel were starving and after half an hour the flight attendant came to our seat.we got some food it wasn't the greatest but I was very very hungry so I ate the air plain food. Rachel was very tired and she slept on me for an hour. And then she woke up she said she had a dream about my mom, and she we will be just fine.
"Josh can you get my iPad?"she asked me politely, I got up and got it in the carry one bag she was playing a game on it. Hours later we arrived at Tennessee our house looked like our house back in Canada, we unpacked our bags and then we got in bed and slept.

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