1914 Story Origin + notes

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*Before you accuse me of anything, please read this page. Thanks :]

Okay so this story wasn't actually my idea at all. It all started a couple weeks ago...(this sounds very cliché, stay with me here please).

A couple weeks ago my history teacher (H/T) announced that we had to (literally) craft a history ficton scrapbook thing posing as a 15 year old from Australia and how they got through WW1.

We were given empty books & computers, and were told to think about:

- Who we were posing as (Name, location etc.)

- Our Family Members (Parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents etc.)

- 1914 Lifestyle

- Newspaper articles

- Language skills

- Occupations

- Food & Beverages of the time

- And whatever else we could throw in

I, being the little silly bean I am, didn't think of any original characters for myself - I took the opportunity to base it off the SBI Fam, mainly because using the SBI Fam was like building blocks for a great family.

Think of it - You have a brave but reliable character (Techno), a poetic but still fun character (Wilbur), a roudy mischievous character (Tommy),and the sensible but very lovable parents (Kristin & Phil).

*Obviously I do not intend to offend anyone when I say that!

I know you're probably a little eager to read the story because of how fantastic I am [cocky smirk] but please note of one small thing!

- I did not intend this AT ALL, but the more I read the great fanfic Passerine by Thcscus, I realised they have close similarities in terms of layout, ages and other similar details. Please note that these are all coincidences!

Okay, now you can enjoy the rest :D

zRoyalty's 1914: War Ahead (OLD VERSION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang