TheGalaxySpike Part 2

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Galaxy Steve X Lucas

Prompt from Omniknight11

Her prompt: Lucas could hug Galaxy as a thank you and Sabre sees the blush on the Steve's face so he knows Galaxy has a crush on his cousin. In return for saving/being his wingman, Sabre helps Galaxy by telling him the things Lucas likes. Then they find themselves on a different planet so the Galaxy Ship could reenergize or whatever and Galaxy decides to take Lucas on a little date like walking around.

So let's hope right into it! Also Sabre is the only family Lucas has left. Lucas has a sad backstory (which will be part 3)


Lucas looked up at Sabre while Sabre looked down at his cousin

"If we couldn't find you... I would have lost my last family member," Lucas said

"Well I'm not going anywhere any time soon," Sabre said

"Also sowwy I kinda tackled you," Lucas said

"Every time I would come over you would go and tackle me so it's normal," Sabre said

"True plus I missed my older cousin," Lucas said

Lucas then realized he needs to thank Galaxy Steve so he tried to get up but Sabre refused to let go of Lucas

"Sabbbbb I wanna say Thanks to Galaxy! Without him you would still be floating in space," Lucas said

"How did he find me anyways?" Sabre asked sitting up after letting go of Lucas

"I'll tell you what happened after you floated off into space," Galaxy said


Sabre was floating off into space and Lucas was calling out to him and Galaxy trying to calm the blonde down and Galaxy is a head taller than both Sabre and Lucas so he put his head on top of Lucas' and said comforting words to the blonde seeing as how he lost his cousin in space and Lucas fell asleep in Galaxy's arms so Galaxy carried the sleeping blonde and put him in Sabre's bed and went to work on the Galaxy ship and that took 2 hours

"Galaxy Ship?" Galaxy asked

"Yes Galaxy?" Galaxy Ship asked

"It worked! I got you working again!" Galaxy said excitedly

"Thanks for that Galaxy now how can I help you with," Galaxy Ship said and that caused Galaxy to look over at Lucas

"Can you try and set course to Sabre?" Galaxy asked worrying about the blonde who started whimpering and Galaxy ran over to Lucas and he tried to remember what calms him and then he remembers Sabre saying something to the blonde when he first saw Galaxy


Lucas hid behind Sabre scared when he saw Galaxy

"Lu what's wrong?" Sabre asked worried about his cousin

"W-Who is t-that Sab?" Lucas asked scared

"Oh! That's Galaxy Steve a new friend of mine he came way after you left and Rainbow missed you when you left," Sabre said calmly

"I-Is he g-going to hurt me?" Lucas asked

"Of course not," Galaxy said

"I-I'm Lucas," Lucas said after coming out from behind Sabre

"I'm Galaxy Steve and I can control galaxies," Galaxy said

"Also Galaxy if he gets scared and I'm not around to get him to calm down play with his hair and it takes about 2-3 minutes," Sabre said playing with Lucas' hair

"How do you know that Sabre?" Galaxy asked

"Well... because he's my cousin," Sabre said

End of Flashback

Galaxy started playing with Lucas' hair and 2-3 minutes later Lucas calmed down

"Galaxy I have good news," Galaxy Ship said

"What's up Galaxy Ship?" Galaxy asked and continued to play with the blonde's hair

"Well I found Sabre," Galaxy Ship said and when Lucas heard Sabre's name he sat up quickly

"Where is he?!" Lucas asked

"Come up to the deck Lucas and Galaxy," Galaxy Ship said

Lucas ran up to the deck and the moment he saw Sabre he ran to him and started crying and he knocked Sabre and himself over and Sabre played with Lucas' hair and rubbed tiny circles on his back and Galaxy came up to see Sabre was back and he smiled because he saw that Lucas was happy.

Flashback ends

"You still remembered how to calm him down even though you don't have the best memories," Sabre said

"Wow Sabre that was just insulting," Galaxy said

"I mean it's true!" Sabre said

Lucas ran over to hug Galaxy and an unexpected person got teleported to them

"S-Sabre? L-Lucas? G-Galaxy?" Said the mysterious voice and caused the three to look over to see...


Who do you think is back??

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