TheGalaxySpike Part 4

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Lucas X Galaxy and Sabre X Rainbow

Forgot to mention that Rainbow stayed on the good side but he did save Sabre when Void almost destroyed him and Galaxy


"I had an idea let's look for any clues as to who took Rainbow," Galaxy said

"Let's hope we find something about who took him," Sabre said softly, trying to hold back tears

"It's going to be okay Sabre, we'll find him why don't we go look in your room and, Galaxy, can you look for Rainbow when we find a clue as to where he is and I'll stay here with Sabre," Lucas said

"Of course Lucas," Galaxy said and Sabre found something

"I thought we destroyed him!" Sabre yelled

"Who?" Lucas asked running over to Sabre

"R-Reverse and he has R-Rainbow," Sabre whimpered

"Shh Galaxy will get him for you and I'll stay here with you," Lucas said, calmly, and looked at the galaxy chad hair and gave him the look of go and find Rainbow for Sabre

With Galaxy and it's been 2 months since Rainbow got captured

Galaxy has been flying around and he spotted something... odd... So he went to it and he saw Rainbow in a cage, leaning up against a bar

"Rainbow!" Galaxy said

"Galaxy! Thank you for coming to rescue me! Where's Sabre and Lucas?" Rainbow asked

"Back at the Rainbow house and Sabre's worried about you," Galaxy said

"Shoot I forgot he has separation anxiety please get me home," Rainbow said

"Alright," Galaxy said

Back with ze cousins

"Lu?" Sabre said, looking up at Lucas

"Yeah?" Lucas asked

"Something that I should have mentioned but I have separation anxiety," Sabre said

"And I want Rain home..." Sabre said 

"Hopefully Galaxy found him," Lucas said

"Hey, to pass time maybe we can do something that we did as kids, piggyback rides," Lucas suggested

"Okay..." Sabre said

While Sabre and Lucas were playing, Galaxy was on his way back with Rainbow and when Rainbow and Galaxy landed Sabre looked over and saw Rainbow so he set Lucas down and ran over to Rainbow, tackling him into a hug that brought them to the ground.

"I was worried about you!" Sabre said

"It's okay, lil hope, I'm safe now," Rainbow said

"Hey, you never finished telling me what you were going to tell me," Galaxy said

"Let's leave them for now," Lucas said

With Galaxy and Lucas

"Can we... maybe go out on a date?" Lucas asked blushing slightly

"I mean... sure, why not," Galaxy said

Back with Sabre and Rainbow

"Are you hurt?" Sabre asked

"No, but I'm hungry since Reverse hasn't given me since 2 days ago," Rainbow said

"I'll make you food, baby," Sabre said

"Thanks, Lil hope," Rainbow said


Short but sweet because Sabre's happy again

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