2. Chapter: Blushing teachers and sorrows

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Thank you very much to all my readers and comment-writers, especially Lapeligroza, AllBeautyDestroyed, csd14ll, masterofepicness and Skyedemon <3 and now have fun with the next chapter <3


You follow Iruka to his class in silent. You eye him with a soft gaze and smile a little amused when he blushes lightly at your actions. “W-what? Have I something on my face?”, he stutters and blushes more, really such a cute face. You shake your head and giggle behind your hand. “No, don’t worry, Iruka-san…I think you’re nice”, you smile more and he blinks startled.

“We meet only a few minutes ago, how you can say something like this, [Name]-san?”, he stops and looks down at you with curious chocolate brown eyes. “You have warm eyes”, you shrug in answer and tilt your head slightly. He blushes more and scratches his neck shyly. He looks like an adorable puppy in your eyes, and you love puppies. “Y-you’re the nice one, not me…”, he murmurs and turns around with a big blush around his scar.

“That’s nice, thank you, Iruka-san…ahm, you know we should go to your class…”, you urge him lightly and hide your laugh behind your hand, as he goes pale. “Oh no, you’re right!”, he grabs your wrist in a fast motion and pulls you with him. You blush lightly at his touch and you smile more brightly.

He ruptures the door open with a clattering sound, so that his students gasp in surprise at him. More blushing from Iruka's side. “YO, Iruka-senseiiiii, you’re late!”, shout a childish voice in the front of the tables, you know the little blond rascal from before…it’s Naruto. “NARUTO!”, growl Iruka and his eye twitches angrily. “Oh Sensei, you have a girlfriend?”

“WHAAA?”, Iruka blushes much more than a few seconds ago and looks at you. In the same moment he feels your skin at his and drops your hand in confusion, plus more blushing. Poor Iruka, you think and try not to laugh. The children laugh loudly, but a loud cough and a glare from their teacher calm down the kids. “Oh, you’re the girl from earlier!”, Naruto recognize you and smiles sweetly. You giggle amused and wave at him.

“NARUTO!”, the brown haired teacher glare angrily at his student, but you interrupt them with a lightly chuckle. “Yes, I’m the girl from earlier, my name is [Surname], [Name] and I’m your teacher with Iruka for two days. Nice to meet you all!”, you bow gracefully and blink at the blond boy.

“Nice to meet you, too!”, the kids are choruses and you smile motherly at them. “You are a really young teacher!”, shout a small girl with pinkish hair at you. You tilt your head, nod and giggle.

“Yes, I’m, am I?! I’m 21 years old, my hobbies are _____, (hey, you’re you, so fill it out with your own thoughts) I love kids, sweets, ramen, my friends and I don’t like people, they think they’re better than others.” You bow a second time and smile your friendly smile.

All kids listen to your introducing and Naruto, the little fox child beam with joy. “RAMEN, BAYOOOO!” he pulls his fist in the air, the girls roll with their eyes and a black haired boy murmurs arrogant “Baka” [Idiot]. “TEME [an extremely rude way to say 'You'], I’M NOT A BAKA!” shout the blonde angrily…

“Mhm, Ramen is really yummy”, you laugh heart fully and look at the other boy, who looks very grumpy. You smile lightly and come closer to the dark kid. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”, you ask him and tousle his hair. He glares at you (if looks could kill...) but you overlook this. “Sasuke…” He grumbles darkly, but you tousle his hair more. You laugh sweetly about his grumpy, annoyed face. “Why do you think he’s a baka, he said only the word Ramen and he’s a bit hyper, but he’s cute in his own way and you in yours…so the others too”, you explain your words. All boys and girls are going red like little tomatoes. Iruka behind you chuckles softly, the first time the kids seems wordless.

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