Results to the 2. Chapter: Iruka, Kakashi and Obito

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Results to the second chapter, I think Kakashi is a bit ooc, but I think it's because his best friend Obito is alive unlike to the Anime



He blushes very red today as you meet him in the meeting room. He hides his shyness while he eyes you. Your responses and nice answers, your warm outgoing manners, your beauty, all of these things astonish Iruka very much. He hasn’t felt this strong feeling for other girls, maybe this is now love on the first sight. He feels a warm heat as Tsunade say you are going with him in the first two days to teach the kids. He jumps almost preferably off his seat, but his mind shouts joyfully and he grins brightly.

He watches you in awe as you teach the kids. He likes your teaching style and your loving and kind soul towards the kids. He would love to hang out with you, not only in the class, but in your free time, too. He’s jealous as you are going with Kakashi and Obito to your guard, but he’s sighs dreamily at your response.


He was so angry about his best friend and because of him he was too late to the meeting. He shout the door open and lock his eyes with yours, he can only gasp about your beauty. He smiles sheepishly as you glare at him and isn’t hearing the angry growling from his friend. He’s astonished about you and your presence in the room. “Oh my gosh…she’s so cute…”, he mumbles under his breath while he’s sitting at his seat, his best friend chuckles, but nods in agreement. He smiles lightly under his mask as he hears you stay in the school. Tsunade say you are teach first with Iruka and the silver haired glares at the other guy. But in the next second his dark orbs beams brightly as he hears you are works with him next.

He meets you in the break time with his best friend and is very glad you talk a bit with them about yourself. As he asks you about your family and sees your sadness, he wishes he can kick himself for this question. He feels the same sadness since his dad has died. He smiles very sweetly when you said you are his family, too. He likes you for this.


He searched for his textbooks in the morning, Kakashi was helping him. Both wasn’t looking at the clock and was very late of this. Obito sighs a bit, while Kakashi shouts at him. “Thanks to you we are late…” growls the silver head and shout the door open from the meeting room. Kakashi gasps and Obito looks over the shoulder from his best friend. Your eyes lock with his and he feels his cheeks heat up.

“Sorry, are you okay? …Look at what you've done Kakashi!” he shout at his, but in the same time he watches you in awe because of your beauty and warm eyes. A crazy tickling appears in his belly like butterflies between hands. This feeling is new to Obito, not even for Rin he had so much feelings. He nods as Kakashi mumbles: “Oh my gosh…she’s so cute…” he blushes lightly while he’s looking at you.

On his seat he is glaring a bit at Iruka, his other friend, because he is the first one who’s teaching with you. But Obito knows he meet you anyway in the next hours or days, he can’t wait for this.

As he meets you at the break he’s almost nervous, but as you meet his gaze in your warm manners, all his nervousness is blown away. He smiles sweetly at you and lead you with Kakashi out the door to the kids, they’re playing at the outside.

He asks you where you came from and you answer his question, but sadness shine in your eyes as Kakashi question about your family. He’s angry with his friend because you’re sad, but he knows his friend is mournfully, too. “Kakashi, but you have a family…” he shouts angrily at his friend. “I’m your family because I’m your best friend.” Both guys smiles at each other, but they are interrupts from your voice. “And you have me…uh I mean us, too”, Obito is really thankful on your words towards his friend, but he hopes he is your family, too. Maybe much more in the future...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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