Chapter 2

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Bailey ran into the room with a small team of nurses and the crash cart, Christina was pushed away and out the door despite her objections.

Bailey grabbed the defibrillator. "Charge to 200" Bailey shouted. "Clear!" The room was deathly silent as they waited.

And waited.

And waited.

There were no signs that Meredith was alive. Bailey was brought back to the first time she tried to save Merediths life. She wondered how many times she would have to do this.

"Grey do NOT die on me" Bailey shouted. "Again" Bailey demanded .

"Charge to 300. Clear" they all watched Meredith's monitor and sighed in relief as her heart regained function.

"Great, we have a pulse". Bailey huffed. "Damn you Meredith Grey"

The nurses left the room leaving Bailey and the unconscious Meredith. Bailey could not get over how different Grey looked, lying in the bed completely battered and bruised. She had no idea what pain she must have endured. Bailey stroked Meredith's hair softly.

George opened the door and poked his head in slightly taken aback by his friends appearance. "Is Meredith okay?" He whispered, not wanting to wake up his friend.

Bailey sighed and shook her head. "I don't know, physically she will mend, but she will be in pain for a long time"

O'Malley smiled sadly. "Can I sit with her?" He asked softly.

"Of course. She is going to need good friends like you to help her recover".

Word had been spreading like wildfire about what had happened to Meredith. One of the nurses had probably spilled about what was in her file. George heard, so had Christina, Izzie and Alex. They were all shocked when they found out what their friend had endured.

George sat down next to Meredith and took her hand. "Oh Mer, I'm so sorry. You've been through so much I don't know how you survive all of this. You're going to be okay, you have me and you have Izzy and you have Alex, I know he's moody and unfriendly but he cares about you so much and of course you have Christina. We are your family and we love you so much"

A small groan came from Meredith's mouth. George's head shot up at the sudden sound. His friends eyes flickered open softly, she squinted as if it hurt to have her eyes open.

"George?" Meredith whispered, her voice raspy and barely audible.

"Yeah. Yeah Mer it's me" George breathed. "Do you need anything?" He asked. Meredith shook her head gently, groaning in pain at the simple movement. George's eyes were wide with sympathy and he rubbed Meredith's hand with his thumb.

A few moments later Alex and Izzie popped their heads round the door and walked in. They smiled at Meredith, their faces as shocked as everyone else who had seen Meredith's condition. Alex was furious, he saw Mer as his sister and he'd be dammed if he let anyone hurt her again.

"Mer, what happened?" Alex asked with his brow furrowed. Meredith started to shake softly, her chest heaved as she started to sob again.

Alex sighed and sat down. "I'm sorry" he said "I didn't mean to make you cry" he continued. The sobbing girl smiled sadly and looked at Alex.

"No no it wasn't you" she cried. "I-I'm-I-" Meredith trailed off, unable to find the words to describe what was going on.

The small group of friends sat around Meredith's bed until she was sleeping soundly. Then, one by one, they left to check on their patients.

Derek was furious. The fact that his head was pounding due to the amount of alcohol he had drank didn't help. He paced up and down trying to calm himself down. Nothing was working.

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