Was that a pun?

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Remus sighed as Alex stared into his soul,

"Well, first things first, My name is Remus, and I'm a werewolf,"

Clearly, that wasn't the answer Alex was expecting as he almost dropped his torch,

When Alex stopped fumbling for his torch, Remus could see that his face was deathly pale

"Y-Your not lying," Alex stated, which was true, although Remus thought that he could have told Alex in a more subtle way, or would have planned him for the big shock,

"So, do you have...like a bite," he asked,

"Oh yeah," Remus responded, he shoved some of his long hair out of the way and showed Alex his very faint bite mark,

"Cool," Alex responded, which wasn't the answer Remus expected, "I didn't know werewolves existed, anyways, continue,"

So, Remus told Alex everything, well, not everything maybe, he did leave out the detail about the magical world and his hatred for wizards, other than that, Remus told Alex everything.

"Oh," Alex said, right now they were both sitting on the carpet, "So, you wanna run away to save this girl?"

"Yeah, and also to avoid getting sent back to my parents,"

"Damn, and I thought my life was crazy," Alex responded as he ran his hand through his hair, "So, your running away tonight?"


They sat in silence for a while, Alex looked deep in concentration,

"Well, obviously, you don't have a key to get out of the place, but, I know where you can find a key,"

"Really?" Remus asked, suddenly alert now,

"Yeah," Alex said, but then sighed, "Unfortunately it's a key for the backyard door, which you then have to climb over a fence, but, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I don't think you've been to the backyard-"

"I haven't," Remus interrupted, "I didn't even know there was a backyard,"

"Well, there is," Alex said and he pointed a finger to a little door at the back of the room which Remus didn't even notice,

"So, the person who has the key to that door is Stinky Sally-"

"Oh no,"

"Oh no indeed," Alex said, "I know she sleeps in a bed in her kitchen, don't ask me why," Alex quickly added the last part when he saw the puzzled look on Remus's face,

"So," Remus said, "We just steal the key from her and then I'm free?"


"Okay, let's do it!"

The two of them got up and walked to the kitchen door, Alex put his hand on the door handle, Remus prayed that the door wasn't locked.

Alex turned the handle and it was locked.

"That's it! I'm done for!" Remus groaned as he ran his hand through his hair, several beads of sweat tricked down his face as the stress and fear built up inside of him,

Alex turned sharply to him, "Don't give up hope yet!" Alex snapped, "I'll think of another way, I know I will-"

"What are you pipsqueaks doing here?" A voice boomed, Alex fell silent as Remus's heartrate picked up, his first thought was that it was Albert, but the voice was too high to be Alberts.

Two torches got flipped on at the exact same time, making Remus squint and he saw in the distance was Will,

"My gosh," Alex whispered, "Is everyone getting up tonight?"

Another path for Remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now