Chapter 5

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I never seen above the city and all that comes with it. The palm trees grow smaller as the cars whiz by like fiery ants. I see minimum streets and big blobs of greenery on the ground as we increase our altitude. The clouds become our neighbors as the pilot takes us through the barrier. Grey eyes presses his chest against my back as he scooted closer to me to examine outside. My stomach clenches as I fall a little closer to him to meet him halfway. His sharp scent of cologne ignites my senses for lust. That's a first. Brenda never told me that this is what comes with a window seat. Long Beach disappears as we rise above the clouds and only see blue and sunlight.

Grey eyes falls back into his seat as it becomes boring for him. Of course, this isn't his first rodeo on a plane. My back feels empty and cold as he leaves to expand his attention towards the airplane's entertainment. Bored with the fascinating scenery of being high, I fall back into my seat too.

"Fan of flying?" I speak, looking at him from the corner of my eyes.

He grins lovely at the Sky Store magazine, probably finding something interesting. "I fly all the time for business. It comes with my job description."

"Well we both have four hours and thirty minutes to kill and I'm not going to be able to get any sleep." I conclude, taking out my earphones. I shut my phone down and put it in my pocket.

"How would you suggest killing that time?" He puts his magazine away, knowing I'm engaging in this conversation.

I shrug, "Well I never flown before. What haven't you done, Mr. Flying-is-my-job?"

A small sneer grows on his face, "Well I've done everything life could offer. Is flying the only thing you haven't done?"

Well I could say I never got drunk before. I never flicked someone off out of pure anger. I've never fought someone. I never smoked anything. I never kissed a girl, not that I'd want to. I never drove before because I'm afraid something will go wrong. I never had sex before. I never had a boyfriend that I wouldn't claim regret. I don't do anything with my life. I've just been playing it safe. My shoulders bounce, "There's a lot of things I never did."

His eyes widen in a humorous way. Oh my, they're so large and in charge. "You're a senior in college! What did you do in college for four years?"

I look down, shyly picking at my cuticles. Ugh, I need a manicure in the worse way. "I study my ass off for graduation."

"Well at least you're graduating," he shrugs, giving me my props. "What did you major in?"

"Social Work," I answer, sheepishly looking at my fingers. "It's just that I want to make the world much better, you know? I don't mind that it doesn't make that much money or that it's a feel good job. There's kids out there who need support and encouragement and I want to do that."

Like he understood, he nodded. "That's great to hear; we need people like you." I smile brightly, looking at him in his genuine eyes that bleed into mine. "I work with specialists in that field. Did you have your internships yet?"

"Yes," I nod. "What's your job title, Mr. I've-done-everything?"

"I'm the CEO of Jox Incorporation of Relations amongst the nation. It was originally my grandfather's but since his passing, he passed it over to me." Isn't that an executive decision-making skill job for prestigious people? What is a CEO doing, talking to me? "So yeah, flying is my job."

My eyes widen, "Wow, you're way out of my league here. I'm going to stop talking."

His chuckle sends chills down my spine, "You don't have to stop talking. I'm not Jesus or anything super."

My obnoxious laugh surfaces and I clamp a hand over my mouth. "Sorry, you just don't look like a CEO." He's in a casual, black sweater with the Polo brand stitched on it and khaki pants with comfortable, black vans. You can't just imagine he's a CEO when he's dressed like a kid from college.

He waves me off, "Well usually when I say I'm a CEO, women throw themselves at me."

My smile disappears so fast, "You expect me to throw myself at you?" Ok, maybe he should stop talking.

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