chapter 4

888 48 47

Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Skywalker have logged on.

Luke: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D

Leia: ew, it's you...

Luke: hey! Anakin Skywalker Leia's bullying me :'(

Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala and Obi Wan Kenobi have logged on

Leia: if i get into trouble over this im gonna kill you Luke

Anakin:  Guys, shut up! Leia stop bullying Luke and Luke grow up!

Obi Wan: Don't rely on people Luke trust the force!

Luke: But Ben you say that allllllll the time

Obi Wan: That is because it is true 

Padme: Luke listen to Obi Wan, he is very experienced

Luke: Wait a minute, I called you here to lecture Leia, not me!

Leia: Ummmm, no you didn't. I have done nothing wrong


Anakin: Why are my children the way they are

Leia and Luke: HEY!

Anakin: ;)

Padme: Stop fighting. Now.

Anakin Skywalker has logged off

Padme: Coward

Anakin Skywalker has logged on

Anakin: HEY! rude...

Padme: you love me really ;)

Anakin: maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :* <333

Padme: :* <333333333333333333333333

Obi Wan: Anakin...

Anakin Skywalker has logged off

Obi Wan: really...

Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and Leia Organa Skywalker have logged off

Luke: All by mysellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Luke: Don't wanna be all be myyyyysellllllllllllllfffffffffff


Luke Skywalker has logged off


Fluffy Unicorn Princess, Chewing Gum, Rebel Scum and Piece Of Junk have logged on

Piece of Junk: WHO DID THIS? 

Fluffy Unicorn Princess: Who is that?

Fluffy Unicorn Princess: And it wasn't me

Chewing Gum: Aaarrrgggghhhhhh ahhrggg

Rebel Scum: Wasn't me either

Piece of Junk: Luke was it you? You did call the falcon a piece of junk when you first saw it

Fluffy Unicorn Princess: Nope, not me

Rebel Scum: Luke is Fluffy Unicorn Princess??!!??!! HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is brilliant!

Fluffy Unicorn Princess: Oh shut up Leia. You are Rebel Scum

Rebel Scum: And proud

Anakin Skywalker has logged on

Piece of Junk: Hello sir

Rebel Scum: Why so respectful Han?

Piece of Junk: He is your father, I have to be respectful to my girlfriend's father

Rebel Scum: Hang on! Dad why hasn't your name been changed?

Anakin: muahahahahaha

Fluffy Unicorn Princess: GET HIM


Anakin Skywalker, Fluffy Unicorn Princess, Chewing Gum, Rebel Scum and Piece of Junk have logged off

A/N I am soooooo sorry for the long wait. I am a despicable human being! Hopefully not long for the next update!! :)

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