After the fight

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Damiens POV
I didn't mean to yell at him. I was just so mad he didn't care one of our closest friends had died. I had to find him fast and apologize. I ran into the District attorney on the way out to the pool and decided to apologize for them having to see my outburst "Look, I'm sorry you saw that argument with the Colonel. I lost my temper, and it wasn't right and..." My thoughts trailed off to how william must be doing right now "He must be in shock. The Colonel's an eccentric; it's his best quality and his worst. But he's my friend, and... So was Mark. I know I'm supposed to be a leader in this scenario, but I can't help but feel lost. I've known Mark for years, since we were kids... And he's just gone? I don't have any answers right now. I just need to be alone... To process all of this. We'll all talk soon, but I need to think." I sighed as they walked away and continued to walk around to the pool where I saw the colonel sitting on the edge of the pool kicking his feet in the water.

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