Chapter 5- Secret Room

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Lauren's Pov:

I looked at all the rangers expressions, as they all stepped down the stairs.

What the were looking at was my dojo/secret lab. On the left side of the room was my red ranger outfit, my super samurai mode outfit, super mega mode outfit, shark attack mode outfit, shark attack mega mode outfit, and my shogun mode outfit, all in glass boxes neatly hanging on the wall.

On the right side of the wall, was my morpher, my sword, my fire smasher, shark attack sword, mega blade, super spin sword, super mega blade, bullzooka, shogun spear, and my shogun buckle, all in glass boxes hanging neatly on the wall.

When you looked straight ahead, you could see my workspace, it has a desk, and above it was two giant screen TVs. I work for a very important company. I'm what the FBI call, the ranger.

"What is this place?" Mike asked with a smile creeping up his face.

"This is where I work." I replied. "I work for the FBI......"

For some reason half of the rangers didn't seem surprised at all. Sure you were the red ranger, but only for a week.

"Can we look around?" Mia asked politely.

"Of course!" I replied

I watched as the rangers looked at all the stuff in the room. The rangers. I have got to stop calling them that!

"Is this you?" Kevin asked.

All the rangers stopped what they were doing and came over to see what Kevin was looking at.

When I finally walked over to the spot where everyone else was, I noticed that they were looking at a picture of my family before we were split apart. My parents were sitting on the bench outside the Shiba house, and Jayden and me were on their laps.

I was 5 at the time, and Jayden was 4. I can't help but remember how happy our family once was.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your mom?" Antonio asked.

Me and Jayden looked at each other.

"Our mom left us." Jayden quietly answered.

Everyone looked down at their feet. I'm a little surprised Jayden didn't tell Antonio. I thought he was his best friend.

To brighten everyone's spirits up I said, "lets all go upstairs and have some dessert!"

As everyone started walking up the stairs, I looked around the room to see if everything was in place.

When I looked over to the stairs I was about to walk up, I found Emily waiting for me. She held out her arm and said "Thanks for letting us stay here. I can't wait to get to know you better. Maybe later we can have that girls day out like we talked about."

I looped her arm in mine and we walked up the stairs smiling.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update but I was having trouble coming up with the smallest ideas for the chapter. Idk when I will be able to update, but if I don't update in a while, don't think it's because I'm not interested in the book anymore. I might have writers block or I might be busy. Also, my personal Instagram is @autermelon and my power rangers samurai one @samurai_pr.

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