Chapter 13: Hospital

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Izuku wakes up, tired. He brings a hand to rub his eyes- wait..why isn't his right arm moving? Izuku looks down at the cast covering his arm, recalling the events of yesterday.

So Eraser knocked him out.. Now how is Izuku supposed to pay the hospital bills? Even if he does just tell him that 'Dude, I can't just go ask my nonexistent parents for money.' He's a hero and he'll probably put Izuku in foster care. Izuku shouldn't have talked to Eraser at the cafe in the first place! Izuku needs to get out of here or Eraser's gonna realize he's Yorokobi. 

Izuku rips off the IV drip and jumps out of bed. He goes straight to the window. He looks outside. ..Nah, I'm not surviving that fall. The long way it is!

He puts on his shoes and walks to the door. He takes a peek and sees a nurse. Wait, what if she's walking toward him? Oh nonono-

He looks around for somewhere he can hide. Wait, they were probably gonna find him anyway, he can't just hide and hope for them to go away. So..he grins as he eyes the window. He quickly opens it and then scurries over to the hospital bed, sliding underneath. 

As soon as he was hidden, he hears the door open, "Hello, I will be- uh sir?" Oh, so she was coming to this room. He hears the nurse walk around and then gasp. Must've noticed the window open. 

A few more steps and the emergency alarm goes off. Izuku caused more trouble than he intended. Oh well, it's Eraser's fault for bringing him here.

Izuku hears hurried steps into the room and a tired sigh, "He's gone?" Speak of the devil-

"Yes, the window is left wide open and his shoes are gone. We have a few people searching outside the hospital."

Izuku hears a few more steps and a, "If he did jump out, there would've been a blood trail. That is if he survived the fall which isn't likely." Okay, I was hoping Eraser would be gone. Why the hell is he still here anyway? Alright, gotta blast.

"Oh.. I forgot to check for any blood trails. My apologies." Izuku quietly slides out from the other side of the bed.

"Are you sure he's not just in here somewhere? It's not like he can go anywhere else." Izuku was now standing up..and he regrets that because Eraser had turned around at that exact moment. They make eye contact and none of them makes a move until Izuku decides to bolt the fuck out of there.

He hears yelling behind him but only spares a glance and notices Eraser right on his track. Just can't leave me alone, can you Eraser? Whether it be my vigilante identity or- Eraser shoots his capture weapon but Izuku evades it in time. Then he forces himself to run faster, ignoring how his body was going numb because of all the blood loss he has yet to recover from. He practically jumps down the stairs and finally reaches the ground floor.

"KID, WAIT!" No thanks, Eraserhead. You're my favorite hero but just.. no.

Izuku spots the entrance to the hospital and would laugh in relief if a certain someone wasn't hunting him down. He reaches out a hand to open the door but feels a slight change in the air behind him and sidesteps. That was a close one. 

He doesn't waste any more time and sprints out, ignoring all the eyes on him. Though, it appeared that his escape wasn't successful as he sees two guards outside, running towards him. 

Izuku simply jumps over them. (yes, I mean that literally, he put his feet on each of their shoulders and hopped away, like a bunny.)

"Better luck next time!" Izuku calls out as he smiled a bright, genuine smile at the guards. That smile fades as soon as he sees Eraser who.. did not look happy. 

Izuku did not want to deal with an angry Eraserhead right after waking up so he picks up the pace and runs 'cause just because he had gotten away from Eraser a couple of times, doesn't mean he would be able to once Eraser gets too close and fights seriously. 

After a few minutes of him not being able to lose sight of Eraser, though he wasn't close enough to use his capture scarf, Izuku finds a busy street and disappears into the crowd. Izuku stills all of a sudden and lets his thoughts take over. 

..Woah, did he really just outrun a pro hero? Nono Izuku, you had a head start...but still, he did manage to- Okay no, this isn't the time to be thinking about all that, Eraser can still find him.

To blend in with the crowd, he grabs some black sunglasses and a pink scarf from a nearby stall. As he's running, he spots a pickpocketer in his way, about to steal someone's wallet. Izuku tackles the thief, making him shriek in terror. And after a few seconds of stomping on the thief, steals his black fedora.

He runs away, pretending it was someone else who had done that and slows down once he thinks he was at a safe distance from that little commotion he caused. 

With that, he walks home, praying that Eraser hadn't realized that Izuku is Yorokobi because why else would he go out of his way to chase Izuku when he can use that precious time to take a nap? 

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now