Chapter 16

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Dusk settled over Cair Paravel after a hazy summer day filled with dipping my ankles in the ocean, plucking juicy peaches from the orchard where their saggy limbs dropped down to meet my reach and laying on the cold tile in the sitting room with Morgan while exchanging the whirlwind of gossip that was currently making its way around the castle.

In the days passed, Caspian had been wrapped up in meetings and caucuses from morning till night, but on the nights that he wasn't worn from a day full of arguing, he would slip into my bed while I'd pretend to be asleep as he slipped under the sheets. Like clockwork, I'd hear the scrape of the candleholder across the mahogany side table as he pulled the light closer so that he could read from the adventure books he favored. The light of parchment rubbing together as he turned the pages and the steady wisp of his sighs delivered me into restful sleep each time, knowing he wanted to be at my side in any way.

Titus found me in the stables feeding my horse a red apple as the lanterns over the stalls flickered small beams of light, like watchmen over their subjects. Stablehands tossed hay into the stalls, finishing up their duties for the day. Calls of "goodnight' rang through the stables as they went home to be with their families.

"Did Morgan tire of you?" Titus said, entering the stall next to me perching his elbows upon the partition.

"Peter and her went looking for blackberries, I believe," I said looking up at the man, "I had a book I was trying to finish."

"Didn't know Vidalians allowed literacy," Titus' lips twitched as he attempted to hold back a laugh.

I glared up at the man before a laugh escaped my lips at his presumptions, "I don't know how you came to that conclusion."

"Not sure how I did either," Titus tapped at the wooden partition with hands like a drum, "I was just impressed at how well-spoken you were despite it."

"Very funny," I said with a shake of my head as I turned my attention back to my horse.

"Care to take a ride?' Titus said after a short silence had elapsed between us.

"Where to?" I said as the horse's mouth nuzzled my hand looking for more treats.

"Around the grounds. Lord Eckart has been a pain in the arse today. I suggested we have a talking stone-if you don't have it you can't speak," Titus removed his arms from the partition and turned to begin saddling his horse, "Didn't plan on letting Lord Eckart ever holding it, but Theodric shot it down. Apparently, it's not proper."

"Do you use the art of the talking stone in Ladonea?" I said, hoisting myself upon my horse.

"Well, no-" A snickering laugh left my lips as he held up a finger, "When I'm king, that'll be practiced in every assembly."

"Whatever you say," I said as we trotted out of the stables.

"You laugh now, but when you're my chancellor you'll fall in step with that practice too," Titus raised an eyebrow as we urged our horses into a gallop.

Gardeners packed up their tools and the castle shepherds herded the goats and sheep back to the barns as Titus and I peeled through the fields. Some stopped their work and waved at me and Titus, as we had become fixtures in the court, while others didn't pay any mind and continued on.

The land surrounding Cair Paravel had become a map imprinted in my mind. I knew every stream that coursed through it and every hidden path and grove that was tucked away from anyone who didn't know what to look for. Cair Paravel had become a place I could navigate with my eyes closed, with only the smells of the orchards and rustle of the trees guiding me.

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