chapter five

547 19 13

traitor - olivia rodrigo

"make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process." ―bronnie ware 


"sarada! get a hold of yourself!" cho-cho said, as sarada sobbed into her pillow. this was the first time cho-cho saw sarada crying so much, and the first time she didn't see sarada as her calm self. 

"s-sorry, cho." sarada said, sniffling on her words. cho-cho gave her best friend a box of tissues and patted her back, as tears rolled down her cheek. 

"now, tell me what's going on." cho-cho asked her, in her soft voice. sarada wiped her tears on her sleeve, and took a breath in. 

"it's just everything, cho. i like boruto. he has a girlfriend. he basically flirts with me. he then goes on a date with sumire. and then, it just leaves me confused. it's been happening ever since he started dating her, and i don't even know anymore.." she trailed off.

cho-cho's eyes widened, as she sat there. 

sarada actually liked boruto.. 

"well if this has been happening for 5-6 months, sarada, i think you need to get a hold of yourself and work on yourself. you've been crying this much over boruto?" she asked, her eyes softening. sarada nodded. 

"you've been keeping this bottled inside and haven't thought about telling me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"sorry, cho. it's just.. i didn't know how. and i still don't know how to move on, stop crying, or tell anyone." sarada apologized. cho-cho wiped the tears off from her best friends face. 

"maybe it's time you moved on. and got a new style. the outfit today screamed boruto." cho-cho told her, trying to lighten up the mood. the two girls shared a small smile, as cho-cho leaped off of the bed and gave sarada some chips. 


"i think that makes you look good," cho-cho said, after shooting some pictures for sarada's instagram. sarada looked at the photo, questioning it. "boruto follows you. and c'mon, live a little! if i looked that good, i'd never stop posting." cho-cho reassured her. 

"you say that all the time." sarada retorted, shaking her head. she was wearing something she would never normally wear. for one, she would never wear a white skirt, and here she was. cho-cho picked out a white skirt, followed by a oversized light sage green sweater. she loved oversized things, yet hated wearing skirts.

"yeah, but i mean it!" cho-cho laughed. sarada never used her instagram for anything more than reposting and promoting her schools student body, being president. she had 192 followers, and only followed 81 people. 

"are you sure?" sarada asked, sighing. she hated social media, but she wanted boruto to see what he missed out on, even if it wasn't a breakup. 

"yup!" cho-cho said, clicking the post button. sarada laid on her bed, placing her phone on her table. she hated pretending to be someone she wasn't. 


"and what did i tell you?" cho-cho laughed over the phone. sarada's post had received so much love, and a brand new 409 followers. a total of 600 likes, including 363 comments. sarada actually started to like social media, the kind comments brightening her day. 

"seriously, i didn't know i could gain that much!" she laughed back. cho-cho was smiling. she was glad to see her best friend so happy, and not in the state like she was in a few hours ago. 

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