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***A/N: Hi guys, I know it's a bit sudden, but this is the final chapter. Yep, I decided on an ending when I was walking Henry (my dog). At first I had a totally different ending but I  didn't know how to fill the story up till then, it's a bit of a shame really, it was brilliant, even if I say so myself, but I feel this fanfic is really coming to an end, I might post an alternative ending. I got a new one lined up, it's totally different, you'll either love it or hate it. But anyway. It's a bit emotional for me aswell, been a long journey with Gary and Chloe, but yeah. I just can't write this anymore. I'm currently sat here force-feeding myself anti-depression-tea to get over the fact I'm not seeing Gary on tour, so originally, this was gonna be heartbreaking but because I'm nice and Kennedy threatened me, I changed this ending too. Oh and there's an Epilogue. Anyway, thanks all for reading, I'll see ya soon.


Ellie x***

By about 4 pm on day 3 of Alton Towers, Chloe could tell that even Gary, who loved theme parks and rollercoasters, was starting to feel a bit queezy. But Liam obviously couldn't get enough as he dragged Gary from one ride to another, Chloe tagging along behind them. She really wasn't going on any rides whilst she was pregnant. "Daddy daddy that one!" Liam called pointing at some ridiculously high thing. "No son, that's too old for you. And too much for addy's stomach" he muttered the last bit into Chloe's ear making her smile. She was so happy with life, it was unreal. She had hre dream husband, a beautiful little boy and now two girls! "Thank you" she whispered into Gary's ear as he payed for Liam's candyfloss. "What for?" She shrugged "letting me have a perfect life?" He smiled "No problem love" he bet over and kissed her.

Just then they were interrupted by some loud screams. Gary spun round immediately to see what was going on. he scooped Liam up over his shoulder and grabbed Chloe's hand. "run!" he shouted. Chloe ran. Faster than she'd ever run before, just to get away from the mad gunman. Gary pushed them both into a small corner at the back of the Themepark. "How the fuck did he get in? Shit." he cursed under his breath. Chloe was far too stressed to say anything. Gary turned round and looked at them both concerned. "Don't worry, we'll be alright." He reassured them. Liam was terrified. "What's happening mummy?" she shook her head. "I-I don't know Liam." - "Are we going to die?" - "I don't know." he started crying. "I don't want to die mummy." She put her arms around him protectively. "shh!" Gary snapped. "Don't even breathe." They sat there in total silence, not moving a muscle, waiting for the footsteps to pass by. Chloe could see Gary's brain ticking over 100 diferent ways of how to escape in his head. suddenly Chloe felt a kick. Shit shit not now no! And another one. gary frowned at her and she indicated the babies in her stomach. he went strangely pale. "aah!" Chloe suddenly exclaimed. No no no no no! Gary immediately stood up and covered his family as the mad gunman found them. "Don't hurt them don't you dare hurt them, stay away." - "Gary!" Chloe tugged at his shirt. "You really think you'll stop me? I'll just shoot you donw first!" - "Please, no." - "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." Gary turned back round briefly to look at them. Chloe was fully aware of the fact this was probably the last time she'd ever see his face alive. "My wife... she's pregnagnt, she's having two babies. Please. Please, I'll do anything, just spare them plea-" Chloe screamed loudly as she heard a gun go off. Shit shit shit no. 

But Gary didn't fall to the ground. Instead he just stared straight ahead at the body crumpled on the ground. "Gary?! gary are you okay? Gary for god's sake turn round or answer or!" Instead he just slowly let himslef slump on the ground next to her, he was white as a sheet. "Gary are you okay?!" - "he shot himself" he choked. "But you're okay." he nodded weakly. "Oh my god thank god." She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I thought I was gonna die." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. And then he broke down crying. Chloe assumed it was the hock as much as anything, but he just sat there crying his eyes out. "Mummy what's wrong with daddy? Is he hurt?" - "N-no, he's just had a bit of a shock that's all." A police car and an ambulance pulled up next to them, at first they only checked the dead man on the ground, but hen they noticed the Barlows sitting in their little corner. one of the paramedics came over and asked them what had happened. Chloe answered without really knowing what she was saying. Suddenly the found themselves in a car on the way home. London bound.


***12 years later***

"And you're sure you've got everything you need yeah?" - "Mum stop fussing I'll be fine" Liam said irritadely. "Sorry. It's just... I'm worried you won't be able to look after yourself." - "Mum, I'm 18. I'll be fine, promise." She sighed and nodded. "okay." - "You got your money son?" Gary asked handing him his wallet. "oops..." Gary raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were 18." Liam gave him a sarky look which was replied to by a grin. "Okay... I guess this is it." Liam sighed after they'd loaded the boot. "where are your sisters?" - "Upstairs I assume." Gary walked back into the house and called up the stairs "LILY! CAROLINE! CAN YOU COME DOWN A MINUTE? YOUR BROTHER'S LEAVING FOR UNI NOW!" They appeared in the doorway in no time. Lily and Caroline were absolutely identical apart from their clothes. the Barlow genes were obviously dominant because both Liam and the twins had the green eyes and blonde hair. Actually, Liam looked pretty much like a perfect copy of his father. The girls on the other hand had Chloe's nose and mouth. They were very attractive, all three of them. "Bye Liam." caroline said hugging her older brother. "Bye angel." Then it was Lily's turn. "I'll miss you. When will you be back?" - "Christmas. I promise, I'll get you something nice okay?" She nodded, satisfied with that answer. He then turned to Gary. "Bye son." - "Bye dad." He said, giving him a man-hug. Gary patted him on the back before he let go. "Good luck. And don't forget christmas yeah?" he rolled his eyes "How could I?" Chloe was already teary before it was even her go to say her goodbyes. "Don't cry mum, I'm not gone yet!" - "You will be soon." Liam pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'll miss you mum. And your gorgeous beef." - "I'll miss you too Liam. Counting the days until Christmas." - "I'll be there I promise." Chloe cleared her thorat and let him go. "You'd best get going." She smiled encourangingly.. "Yeah. Thanks for everything." He climbed into the car and started the engine. Gary held Chloe tightly as they waved their son off. As soon as he'd turned the corner, Lily and Caroline squeezed their way into the hug and the three women cried together and Gary did his best to comfort them.

Liam did of course come back for Christmas, he'd even thought of Lily's and Caroline's christams presents. He'd got them beautiful Pandora bracelets which they seemed very pleased with. He'd got Chloe a necklace and Gary a Liverpool scarf. The new one. They invited the OwenÄs round so Rose and Gary could spend Christmas together. She'd turned into one beautiful young woman. Her hair was still dyed dark, but she'd lost most of this Gothicness. She worked at EMI, was quite high-ranked actually. She made a fair bit of money. Of course Mark and kennedy were there with their kids Jacob and Lea. Take That were back in the studio after christmas, They'd estimated there'd be a new album in October, so it looked like Gary and the boys had a lot of work ahead of them. But for now, Chloe had her husband all to herself. It was, in fact, the best Christmas ever.

After dinner, Gary came up to her and hugged her. "What was that for?" she asked. "Nothing. I just love you." Gary smiled his big cheesy smile. "You happy?" - "Gary, seriously, it may have taken a lot to get here, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'd be perfectly happy if it just stayed like this forever." - "You gotta snog her now Gary!" Mark called. "Wait what?" Mark indicated to just above their heads where Caroline has appeared holding a piece of branch from the tree "there was no misteltoe!" she explained. Gary giggled and bent forward to kiss Chloe. Everybody jeered an wolf-whisteled. Oh well, Chloe'd had her Christmas kiss. It really could just stay like this forever.

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