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***A/N Hi again. This is it. Well, I didn't want a cheesy ending so if you wanna be spared my idea of  a good ending, you'd best skip the epilogue. Sorry that it's already over, I know how emotional fanfiction endings are ): but yeah, can't go on forever. If you want any recomendations on other fanfics, there's a couple actually. @jessicalouiseTT's is amazing, try @KL_GBarlow_TT's (though I'm sure we've all read that, @garyscocaptain, @RobMarkieGazTT just to name some of the best. I'm doing a new one too, don't worry. Oh and follow @TT_fanfics for fanfic updates :P

So, enough with the Twitter names

Thanks so much for reading, love y'all, na night and see ya soon

Ellie xx***

But of course, nothing ever did. As the years passed, Liam finished Uni and then joined a band of all things. It had just started out as a hobby, but they were doing really well now. He just got annoyed when people compared him to Gary. The twins both went totally different ways. Caroline went on to be a huge Hollywood actress living in LA whilst Lily stayed near her parents and became a teacher. Gary and Chloe didn't see too much of Liam and Caroline anymore. Gary stayed in the band for the rest of his life, they were still selling Number 1 albums in their 60s. Chloe meanwhile quit being a nurse when Lily and Caroline left home, she wanted to spend more time with Gary, enjoy having the house to themselves after 24 years, although it seemed strangely quiet without children. They were of course happy together, gary knew he'd made the right choice in woman. Not once was there the slightest hint of an affair on anyone's side. and why should there be? They'd fought so hard for eachother. Eventhough Gary was a global superstar, at home they enjoyed quite a normal life, the house wasn't anything super mega fancy, it had 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and was quite large, but defiently no popstar's mansion. It was  just fine. Once the children had left, they got themselves a little dog and called it Alfie, it was a cute little thing and he was a good excuse for going out for a walk together aswell.

But of course, nothing lasts. And then, 45 years after they'd got married, it happened. Chloe was alone at home taking care of the dog when she got a call from Mark saying Gary had just been taken to hospital. He'd had a stroke. Chloe immediately rushed to see him and called Lily and Liam who happened to be in Britain anyway. Gary didn't look well at all when Chloe saw him. he was all wired up to life-support. For the first time since she'd met him, she noticed how old he was. Because she lived with him every day, it hadn't quite sunk in. But lying there on a white hospital bed looking like death, she realized how old he really looked. And somehow she knew, she just knew, that this was it.


Chloe stood looking out of the window, her back to the bed which Gary had been in until 40 minutes ago. She couldn't make herself turn round and face the fact it was empty and he was gone. 45 years are a very long time. But not long enough. never long enough. She felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind. Gary. No, no Chloe, stop it, it's not him, he's not coming back, not this time. "Hi mum." Liam said quietly. Chloe choked the tears back and turned round. He looked at her concerned. Her baby boy, she was so proud of him. "where's your sister?" - "She's on her way. And so is Rose." Yes, Rose. Of course. "Mum it's alright to cry." That was all she needed. Liam held her tightly as she cried her heart out on his shoulder and she knew she wouldn't be the only one.


3 more years passed by but not a day where Chloe didn't miss her husband. Their old wedding photo was still in it's silver frame next to her bed and she hadn't taken her wedding ring off once in three years. And then one day, it was her turn. Lily gently held her hand as she lay on her hospital bed, she was trying not to cry, brave girl. She'd brought along her husband and two daughters. Liam was there aswell of course. "You know I'm proud of you Lily." - "M-me?" she choked "I haven't done anything." - "Lily, you've managed to have a" Chloe was interrupted by a coughing fit. "A normal life, like you wanted, despite of your father and brother being singers and your twin sister a hollywood actress. You've done well." Lily just nodded, not being able to talk for the lump in her throat. "And you, Liam. What can I say? You were my first child. Do you remember that sign we made for your father when he came back from Kenya." He nodded "of course I do, how could I forget that?" - "You were scared he'd be eaten by lions." - "Or crocodiles" he added. Chloe chuckled "yes. The crocodiles." There was a long pause. "You look just like your father Liam." He bit the inside of his lip and nodded. "I know." - "I miss him dearly." - "We all do mum." She smiled sadly. A coughing fit seezed her. "I don't think I can hold on much longer" she said quietly. "Mum don't leave us please." Lily begged her. "It's okay, you'll be fine. You have your family to look after. Who knows, maybe you'll see me again one day? Maybe I'll see Gary again. I do hope so." the machine monitoring her heart slowed down. "Mum, please." - "Tell your sister, tell her... I'm proud of her." and that was it.


Liam felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly. His head jerked up instantly. It was dark. He must've fallen asleep. Slowly, Liam looked up at who'd woken him and instantly felt hi jaw drop. She was tall, very tall. And slim, long legs. A kind smile and stunning eyes. Wow. "I'm sorry, sir, I was doing my final check before I hand over to night-shift. I thought I'd better wake you." Liam nodded, still staggered by her beauty. He got up and followed her to the entrance. "Goodnight sir" she said before turning away and walking down a corridor to their left.

"Wait!" Liam called after her. She turned and smiled at him. "Can I get you a drink somewhere?" - "Thanks" she said "but no. I haven't eaten yet, I can't drink on an empty stomach. "well, dinner then?" God Liam, what are you doing?! She nodded. "Just gimme a minute while I get changed quickly. "Hang on!" he called after her before she could disappear into the changing rooms. "I don't even know your name!" - "Jane. It's Jane." Liam smiled smugly as she disappeared round a corner. Yep, he still had it. Then a wave of guilt overcame him as he thought of his parents. He shouldn't be doing this. Should he? But then again, wouldn't they want him to be happy? He smiled and decided to carry on with his life.


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