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"conceal ,don't feel" that's what everyone wanted me to do, but I couldn't.
Hello my name is Kendell D. Hurrington.
And this is the story of how I survived my first year of high school!
Location: large Facility in North America.

 And this is the story of how I survived my first year of high school!——————————————————————————————————Location: large Facility in North America

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"Kendell! you have 10 minutes until training starts , please make your way to the Field room" a man says over the intercom .

"YES!" I cheer while jumping out of bed ,landing on the white marble floor. The sound of my feet clapping against the floor echoes throughout the white , bright, and empty room as I leave.

I make my way to the field room , bouncing with each step and turn the hallway. I see a lady wobbling , about fall off a ladder which causes me to run as fast as I can. I luckily manage to catch her before she hit the ground and ask.

"Are you ok?"

She takes a deep breath and readjust her glasses before saying . "

Uh ya, thank you for saving m- ."

she stopped mid Sentence and once she got a better look at me , her Look of thankfulness turned into fear. she let out a Yelp , jumping from my arms to the ground and started crawling away from me.

'Ugh , i know I Haven't been here long , but you'd think they'd be used to me'

I roll my eyes scoffing at her then, realize the opportunity I have. With a malicious smile , I put my hand on my hip and while raising an eyebrow , I glare at her.

"It's because I'm black isn't it" , I say Sinisterly.

Her fear turns into worry and she says.

"Wait what! no no no , it's not that at all" She says in a Panic while trying to explain herself.

I giggle and walk away continuing my usual route to the monitor room , that leads to the always changing field. Her voice slowly fading in the distance.

(*10 min later*)

I'm outside the door to the monitor room , holding popcorn in one hand , and Oreo ice cream in another.

A feeling of gloom overcomes me and I think to myself

' I'm about to get chewed out aren't I😓'

I place my hand on the circle door knob and and twist ,entering the room .

Like usual I'm greeted by many stern faces looking at me. Though I don't let it bother me too much since they're all side characters. But the glare of one individual does manage to get to me.


A Young-ish , white-ish , grey haired lady who's probably been working here longer than I've been alive , begins scolding me.

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