Preventing a New Age (MCU: Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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22,000 WORDS! Man. Hope you like a long read.

Timeline Placement: Book 5, Between Chapters 2 & 3

C: Ready?

Yang: Yep.

C wraps his arms around her waist and opens a portal under them. They slip through and end up free falling above a big city with skyscrapers. As they fall C pushes down letting them take flight. Yang has a big smile on her face as they travel high above the city. C gives her a smirk as he turns so that she's under him.

C: Do you trust me?

Yang doesn't even respond, but the smile on her face says it all. She pushes herself free and falls towards the ground as he blast forward and back around. As she falls screams and gasps from the people below are heard and they only get louder as she gets within four feet of the ground. C blasts under her and catches her distributing her weight as to not hurt her. She laughs and kisses him as he lifts them straight up. They land on top of an apartment building and he gently puts her on her feet.

C: I knew you'd love it.

Yang: Let's do it again.

C: We'll have plenty of time later. C'mon let's get some food.

C grabs her and hops down into the alley. They walk out onto the sidewalk arm in arm.

Yang: So, what makes you think UA won't notice us here?

C: Well I'd be impressed if they did considering we're in another universe.

Yang: Really? Where are we?

C: New York City, Planet Earth, Universe MCU. This place is a lot like my home universe. Well except there are superheroes.

Yang: But we won't get in trouble for the flying right?

C: No. Superheroes are actually a minority here, so there's no laws against just using your powers if you aren't hurting someone.

They keep walking when Yang notices two people tailing them.

Yang: C there's-

C: One male and one female following behind by about ten yards. Act natural. We'll duck into this next alley and see if they follow. I'll toss you onto that roof and you jump down behind them if they follow.

They do just that and C tosses Yang up onto a roof about twenty feet up. She ducks back to prevent being seen as C leans against the wall and pops a stick of gum in his mouth. He waits to see if the two will follow when sure enough they walk into the alley. He pushes himself off the wall and places his left fist into his right hand.

C: You don't want whatever you think this is.

He cracks his knuckles making a small shockwave. The two figures look at each other before the smaller one, the female, simply shrugs her shoulders. Yang hops down and gets into her stance as the man approaches C. He swings at C, but C catches it and simply grabs the man's arm before swinging him around and slamming him into the wall. Yang swings at the female only to have her dodge and grab Yang's arm before kicking the side of her knee bringing her down as she tightens her arm lock. The female is quickly surprised as Yang yanks her arm so hard she flips the woman over her. The female lands on the ground on her back as Yang grabs her by he collar of her hoodie and lifts her up a little as she swings her fist down. The female quickly dodges and wraps her legs around Yang's neck and tightens. C meanwhile dodges another swing from the man before swinging a punch of his own. The man is hit in the jaw and falls back before rolling back onto his feet and grabbing a lid from a trashcan. He throws it at C like a frisbee, but C catches it with one hand and glares at the man before tossing it back. The man catches it with both hands, but the force still makes him slide back. C quickly spots the flattened cardboard box the man was standing on. C pulls the cardboard to him quickly using the element of gravity. The man loses his balance and falls onto his back as the ground is ripped out from under him. C then grabs a dumpster and slams it on top of him top first trapping him inside. He then turns back to Yang and sees her slam the woman into the walls as she struggles to get her off. Yang's face reddens as her lungs start to burn from a lack of oxygen. Suddenly though Yang bursts into flames and the woman finally let's go. C catches the woman and places her on her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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