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Yeah Doctor_Skid, you say, I did bc u say dat 😎

It was almost 10 PM, I couldn't sleep for some reason, so I decided to go for a walk, It wouldn't hurt, right?

I got dressed in (insert here something warm You'd like to wear), cause today night was pretty chilly

I get my keys, unlocked the door, and got outside my house, locked the door, because I don't want any creep got into my house.

I took a deep breath and breathed out, moonlight was my only light, wait, there is another light, I looked around and noticed- HOLY- IT'S A BURNING RESTAURANT! I quickly reached to my pocket, only to get that I forgot my phone in my house, well sh!t.

Then I noticed two shadows running away from the building, there was a survivors! Great, I feel like I have to check the restaurant, what If there will some other ones? I don't want them to die!

I rushed to the restaurant, to get that everyone's dead... Oh wait a minute, someone's there is still alive! I see them running in the middle, It seems like they noticed me, they spoke

"Oh, so It seems like someone except me and these brats survived, huh?"
Man's voice spoke, It had a strong russian accent, I didn't mind it much tho, but, about who is that man talking to? Is that man talking about these two persons who runned away from the building?

"Oh, well, actually, sir, I just came here-"

"Came here? You kind of crazy then, there's no normal people, who running into the burning building, or you want to die"

"Actually I came here to save survivors, but since only you and other two people are still alive, I will save only you from here then, come on! We don't have much time until this building will pure burn down! "
I said in rush as I opened the door, waiting for the man to come with me, he did, and he was, um, a bit different to be honest, a flying skull without a body, but with bone-hands and clothes, okay, that's not the most strange thing I've seen in my life, he was (taller, if you're under 6'11 ft, shorter, If you're taller than 6'11ft) than me, I didn't mind it much, we both quickly runned away from the building, and watched it being burned down, until the man spoke

"Thank you, I guess"

"No probs!" I smiled widely as I looked at man

"Oh, I almost forgot, It's probably something near 12AM! I have to go, bye sir!"


All I get in response was silence, I quickly rushed to my house, not even noticing that I dropped my keys, and not noticing that there was a footsteps behind me

Tabi's POV

I looked as the random person was running away, and then I noticed that they dropped their keys... I picked them and walked behind the person, to give 'em back, Eh, one good turn deserves another, when I get to them and tapped their shoulder


"You dropped your keys, wally."

"Oh, haha- thanks!" Even thought I sort of insulted them, they're still preferred acting kindly, what a innocence. They took the keys, and we parted ourselves on our ways.

Well that was fast, I've really never write that fast in my life until now, lol

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