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Joy ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my legs. I picked her up and swung her around.
"Aw baby I've missed you"
I kissed her cheek repeatedly. God I love this girl. This is what I work for. What I live for. There is no place I rather be if my daughter is not there. She's the only reason why I applied for a position at All Def Digital.

"Did you get the job mommy?

"Yes I did. Where's Grammy?"
Suddenly, I saw Joy's grandma walking towards me. Aka my baby daddy's mom.


I moved boxes into my new condo. Now that I got the job I was able to rent this condo. I took a break and sat down. That was the last box. Now I just have to get everything unpacked.

Joy was taking a nap on the couch as I sat at the end of her feet.
I shut my eyes and ...
Ring! Ring! My phones buzzed in my pocket.

It was Russell.
"Hi Mr.Simmons"

"Hello Sariyah. I need you to do me a favor"

"Okay what is it?" My first official work assignment!

"Okay so I know you work for All Def and not Global Grind but I need you to fill in for my interviewee next week for the 2014 BET Awards"

"Okay that's cool! What do I need to do"

"Well I'm going to be in town so I'll need you to come in tomorrow and we'll talk about that but basically you're going to be backstage interviewing various artist next week"

"Alright I gotta go"

He hung up and Joy woke up.
"Mommy are you coming to my dance performance next Saturday?"

Wait Saturday... Saturday ... Saturday! Saturday is the BET Awards. I'm going to miss Joy's performance! Aw man! I hope she will understand.

"No babe I can't. I'm sorry mam maw (my mom) is going to take you"


"Well that makes me feel better"

"I mean aww..." She fake pouted. I laughed and pinched her cheek lightly.


I sat in the passenger seat of my dad's car sitting back thinking about Sariyah. She was so cute and sweet. Would today be too soon to call her? Maybe I can see her when I perform at the BET Awards? Go on another date possibly? I just met the girl 3 days ago and I'm falling all over her.

For some reason she reminded of my new single "My Girl". You know, the girl who has been hurt before and isn't looking for another boyfriend but just needs someone to talk to.

I walked into the house and out came running my sister. "Diggy!"

"Hi Miley"

I hugged everyone in my family then went to my room to unpack. 10 minutes later my Uncle Russ called me.

"Hey Dig. Change of plans your interview for next week will be with my new employee Sariyah"

Oh hell yes!

"Cool" I said playing it cool.

"Oh yeah, and Diggy, I saw how you were flirting with her at the party 3 days ago. I'm telling you this now, stop getting involved with my employees"

"Why not?"

"Jessica ... Desiree... Jasmin... Tasha-"

"Okay, okay. I get it"

"They all could've made me a bunch of money but they didn't because you broke up with them and they quit"

"Alright I get it. No messing with your employees. Okay good bye now"

"Bye Dig"

No messing with employees my ass. I laid back on my bed and called Sariyah.

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