Endlessly AU

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 This fic will be based off the song Endlessly by The Cab, I love that song much and always thought a lashton au based off it would be hella cute. If you don't know the song it's on the side and is basically about someone who has little money and may not be perfect to others but swears to love their partner endlessly. It's a really cute so of course a lashton au based of it would be too adorable for the world to handle. I don't know if there already is a lashton au based off this or not but even if there is one already I still wanna write my own and I've had this idea for months.

But basically Ashton will be sort of like a delinquent/ outcast from a poor family and luke will be sheltered and from a rich family. I know there are fics like this but I still wanna write my own and tbh I've only read lashton one-shots bc i have no time to read full length fics so its not like I'm gonna copy any stories. 

And Ashton sort of hates luke because he's popular and rich and expects him to be rude and spoiled just like all the other rich kids. And Luke's parents will also be snobby which only leads Ashton to believe Luke is snobby too. And Luke is also really good in school, which again Ashton hates him for bc school isn't really his forte and he thinks Luke's parents probably bought his grades or smth, even though he knows Luke actually is smart. And Luke's mother is also the principal of the school and is total bitch (im sorry liz), espcially towards Ashton, which is just another reason for Ashton to hate Luke.

And one day Luke gets assigned to tutor Ashton, which Ashton is toally against bc he kind of hates Luke and the last thing he wants is help from him. But Ashton soon realizes maybe Luke isn't as bad as he thought, in fact he's nothing like Ashton thought. He might be a bit naive and sheltered but he totally isn't a jerk and is actually kind of really sweet and cute and maybe Ashton develops a tiny crush on him. 

And Ashton knows Luke is used to lving in luxury and Ashton's life isn't anything near luxurious but that doesn't mean he won't love Luke as much as humanly possible and do anything he can for him.  And Luke thinks that the small gifts Ashton gets/ makes for him or even just the time he spends with Ashton is way more valuable than anything money could buy. 

Story Ideas (DON'T STEAL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora