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So as I said in the description I wanted to make a book of story ideas. Yes I know I already have a larry one but I'll probably end up deleting that.

Again like I said these are my original ideas so please do NOT steal them. If you see someone stealing them, then please let me know.

Also some of these I have the basic plot for but need help figuring out some details which is why I decided to make this book so you can help with them if you want to. And also just so I can share the ideas with you bc you guys are my friends and isn't that what friends do?

Anyways I hope you guys like the ideas and can help me out. I'm sorry I've been so shitty with updates but I only have one exam left and then I'm finished semester one, my classes will be much easier 2nd semester so hopefully I can get back into regularly updating then. And ofc I love you guys and thank you so much for reading, voting and especially commenting on my stories, it really means a lot.

Story Ideas (DON'T STEAL)Where stories live. Discover now