Chapt. 11: Not To Be Taken Lightly

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Just as time ran out, Mokou and I stood in front of each other. She held the bells in her hands, not taking her eyes of it. "I know what you wanted us to do in this exercise." She spoke before looking at me. 


"You wanted us to work as a team in order to get the bells before noon. But I didn't figure this out on my own. I had a little help." 

"If you figured it out, then why didn't you go to one of your teammates and talk it over with them?" 

"Because I know they wouldn't listen to me. Naruto wanted to do things on his own to prove himself, along with Sasuke. And Sakura would probably go after Sasuke since she's practically obsessed with the guy. It would be useless anyway. That's why I came up with a plan to take matters into my own hands. The point of all of this was teamwork. But how can we do that when we can't even talk to each other as a team?" 

Mokou glared at me at the last part of her sentence. With those same eyes she holds great hatred and anger towards somebody. But I couldn't tell who and why. 

"Well, since you know figured out the whole point of this exercise, you're free to go home. And, you pass. Too bad for the others, I'll give them a second chance. I'll tell them about your absence." 

"Good." She scoffed and walked out of the forest. 


Ever since that day Mokou has been distant from the team. Although she is working with the team. With the missions we've had so far, she's been a team player. Honestly I thought she would do everything on her own. 

During each mission she's been helping out as much as she can, but hasn't said a word to anybody. Even capturing the lost cat Tora, she had the cat in her arms the whole time as the rest of her team was hiding out. 

The more I look at Mokou, the more I feel as if I've seen her somewhere before. The feeling hasn't left. 

~Mokou's POV~ 

We've been doing nothing but kiddy missions all day, and the team has been such a let down. There was no teamwork in every mission that we had. Naruto tried proving himself that he was better than Sasuke, but only got himself into trouble. 

"So much for teamwork." Yuuki muttered as he was in his cat form, lying across my shoulders. 

"Tell me about it." I said back before turning my attention to the old man. "Hey, is there anyway we can do a real mission this time instead of these chores and babysitting ones?" 

"That isn't an option. As a Genin, you are to start with simple tasks." He said while giving me a warning look. 

"No! No more of these dumb missions! I want a real mission!" Naruto shouted while making an X with his arms. 

"As I already said, you have to start with simple missions so that you can-" Naruto doesn't pay attention to what the old man saying as he began talking about ramen. Before anything else, this started to break into a small feud. 

"I'd say it's about time to go on a real mission." I said, speaking up with my eyes closed and while shrugging my shoulders. 

"What?" The old man turns his attention to me. 

"Isn't the whole point of being a shinobi is go on missions to improve our strength and teamwork? We aren't getting anywhere with all these kiddy missions. Give us something a little more advanced, or set me up with a Jounin so I can go on these so called dangerous missions. I'm not suppose to be on a 4 man squad anyway." 

"How dare you!? As Genin you are to start out with simple missions so they can help you grow as a team! Being on your own won't solve-" 

"Don't yell at me." I cut him off Iruka as I am in front of him, my face inches away from his with my hand wrapped around his throat. "I'm only on this team because you said there was an odd number in the class. With or without teamwork I know I'm better off on my own." 

Iruka couldn't say anything as my hand was tightening around his throat by the second. "Mokou!" Kakashi shouts out my name as I feel my waist grabbed and I am held to Kakashi's hip as if he was holding an hyperactive child. 

I make a deadpan face as I am being held. I don't mind this at all because at this point I'm use to being picked up.

"Don't I make a good point?" I questioned. "You already know how I fight, so pairing up with a Jounin would be a lot better for me. And team 7 can actually be a 3 man squad." 

"That isn't the case, Mokou." The old man gives me a glare, and I glare right back. "But, if that's how you see fit then fine." 

"Huh?" The team blinks. 

"If you want a more advanced mission, then I will allow it. This one will be a B rank mission." He suddenly smirks. "Bring him in." 

Entering in the room was an old man carrying a sake bottle. "These are the brats who are suppose to protect me? And what's with the short girl with the weird looking hair?" He points directly at me. 

"What about my hair?" I growl while glaring daggers at him. 

"This will be the man you will be escorting back to the Land of Waves. He's a bridge builder." The old man informed. 

"Do you really think they will protect me? The short one has an attitude." The old drunk points to me again. 

"Go suck on a sandpaper cock." I snapped. Him, and everyone was shocked at what I said to the old drunk. I shrug my shoulders and walk pass him while saying, "The next time you decide to come at me, you better be prepared for what's coming to you. Don't put me in a bad mood." 

With that said, I walk out of the door and go wait for the others outside near the gate. 


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