Do I love him (Prince AU)

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Just pretend Izuku is Tanjiro and Tomioka is Todoroki. I couldn't find a prince AU of GiyuTan so deal with it.

This is a time when Tanjiro's family is still alive and and Nezuko-Chan is learning to control her magnificent Powers Beyond times consent. Giyuu-San is going to be Tanjiro's new tutor to train him to become the next king of the Kingdom.

Nezuko-Chan: Onii-Chan . . . Onii-Chan . . . ONII-CHAN!

Tanjiro: Yes Imoto.
(Imoto is younger sister in Japanese)

Nezuko: Mother and Father are getting you a tutor! Tada!

Tanjiro: And why is that?

Nezuko: So you can be more mature.

Tanjiro: But I am mature!

Nezuko: You asked me yeet Zenitsu into the pond with my unstable magic. No you are not mature.

Tanjiro: It was because he was flirting with you and nobody flirts with you.

Nezuko: Overprotective much, but get up breakfast is starting.

Tanjiro: I'm already done.

Nezuko: Let's gooooooo!

*At breakfast 😋*

Mom: Tanjiro dear we have a special surprise for you.

Me: Will he need it this time, mother.

Mom: Yes he will now finish your bacon.

Quick disclaimer I'm still African American so is my sister so where just adopted.

*After Breakfast*

Dad: Tanjiro this is your new tutor.

Tanjiro: Um.. Hello 👋.

Giyuu: Good Morning your highness.

Tanjiro: No need to be formal. Call me Tanjiro.

Giyuu: Well then I'm pleased to meet you Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Mother why do I need a tutor again.

Mom: So you can learn how to be mature.

Bebe (<-- meh sister): Nezuko-Chan told you remember.

Dad: You know learn the basic into Exceld levels of being royalty. Giyuu is very skilled with getting things into people's heads. He taught me how to play flute withing a few months. He even taught your mother piano 🎹 in as little as a year. He would be a great influence on you.

Tanjiro: WOW.

Giyuu: Thank you for your kind words Sir.

Mom: We'll leave you alone, Don't have too much fun.

Tanjiro: Moooom

Me: Before we leave Giyuu can I ask you smt privately.

Giyuu: Of course.

Me: So, tell me, correct me if I'm wrong about this. You are not attracted to females but attracted to males. Yet you are hard to get.

Giyuu: You are 100 percent correct Dara.

Me: So what's your type. Just for scientific reasons.

Bebe: Yeah what she said.

Giyuu: Well I like shorter and younger guys.

Tanjiro: Are you guys finished, yet?

Me: Just a second love.

Tanjiro: Take your time.

Giyuu: Tanjiro.

Me: That was a straight up answer. We'll leave while you 2 bond.

*We leave*

Giyuu: Ok Tanjiro try to walk in a straight line with 3 books on your head.

Tanjiro: Ok I'll try.

*Books fall*

Tanjiro: Awh they fell.

Giyuu: It's fine your just a beginner we'll work on it. Now what do you know about Bermuda.

Tanjiro: That place is known for its pink sand beaches.

Giyuu: What else do you know.

Tanjiro: I thought nobody would ever ask.

*On the other side of the door*

Me: So rude.

*Back to Tanjiro and Giyuu*

Tanjiro: Oh sorry am I talking to much?

Giyuu: No. Keep talking, your voice satisfies me. *smirks*

Tanjiro: 0////0

Giyuu: Awh you're so cute when you blush.

Tanjiro: *Blushes while looking down*

Giyuu: When you're with me you can talk as much as you want. I'll just listen.

Tanjiro: That's the nicest thing anybody has every said to me.

*Mom barges in*

Mom: Good news Giyuu is now living with us.

Me: Waaaaaaaa seriously 😳. That's amazing 😍 😄! I totally wasn't ease dropping, nothing of the sorts.

Bebe: Yay new Oni-Chan!

Giyuu: Did my parents agree?

Mom: Yes! The would even love to my the children. Oh we'll go tomorrow.

Giyuu: Ok then. I'll be seeing you for a long now won't I.

Mom: Why yes you will everyone to bed. It's 10:00 pm. Tanjiro show our new castle mate his room.

Tanjiro: Yes mother.

* In the hallway*

Tanjiro: Get ready because my mother will never calm down.

Giyuu: I noticed. *chuckles*

Tanjiro: Good night!

Giyuu: Good night.

When Tanjiro reached his room and sat on his bed.

Tanjiro: Thoughts:
   What was that?
    Do I love him?

Me: Yes you do.

Nezuko: Onii-Chan when you marry him promise you'll still love us too.

Tanjiro: 0/////0 I promise.

Me: You better. Let's go to our rooms.

Bebe: Coming.

750 words, not bad. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Sugar Cubes is a Weeb. Don't forget to follow my Wattpad account.

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