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<Virginia "Jennie" RubyJane Kim>—26
<Kim "V" Taehyung>—26

Dear Kim Taehyung,

I'm sure you already know who I am seeing as how I am emailing this to you however just incase you don't I'm Virginia Kim, Chief Editor of KNJ INC. I jus wanted to make sure that you're still available for our meeting as I saw how your schedule has been updated for conferences and public talks.

Please get back to me as soon as you can so I know if we need to reschedule or not. Thank you! Have a good night!

In which Chief Editor of KNJ INC Jennie Kim and CEO of KTH ENT Kim Taehyung meet up in secret and can't help but fall in love with each other even though it's wrong.

Song- goodnight n go
Artist- Ariana Grande
Album- Sweetener

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