Part 1

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13 factions: Nathan Rainer and the Grease Monkey. Part 1

Magister's log; October 16th 3126. Planet Escrou 14:30 EST.

"I must thank the good commander for giving me such an easy assignment on such a beautiful planet. Alpha base has been set up half klick from the ruins. I finished setting up a security network roughly thirty minutes ago and the archaeologists are setting up their sleeping quarters now."

"Best part about this planet. I haven't found a single bug larger than my finger. You know I appreciate that. At first light I'll set up a perimeter around the ruins and the dirt geeks, sorry, archaeologist, can get their hands dirty doing whatever it is they do."

Rainer picked up the clipboard from the table beside him.

"My job here is to ensure the safety of the archaeologists on this expedition which includes, but is not limited to keeping them out of the poison viola patches, which is similar to poison ivy. I have located several patches of this poison viola and marked locations on the heads up map. I have also made sure that the dirt geeks, sorry, archaeologist, can identify the plant. However, with all due respect sir, I think we should can the references to earthen plants. I've never been to Earth, you've never been to Earth. How the hell is anyone around here supposed to know what poison ivy is? On another note like the word ivy, so if I ever get a female cat or dog maybe I'll call it Ivy."

"As far as injuries go. Nancy got a splinter and Chad claims to have been stung or bitten by an insect, although there is no mark. I'd like to show him an insect bite. That's all for the moment. Magister Rainer out."

Rainer cut the camera and uploaded his log to be sent out.

"Can I ask you a question?" Julie asked Rainer.

"Asking is free. Answers, not always." Rainer smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"What is a Magister?"

Rainer took a moment to contemplate how best to explain the term.

"Like you. I am civilian hired by the military for a specific purpose. However, were you are labeled as noncombatant personnel, I am combatant personnel. Magisters are a little like mercenaries as we generally get paid by the job and we have contracts with a particular person. My contract is with Commander Carson, but with a stipulation of being under Nicole Victoria's Starship Venia. There are specific benefits and drawbacks to being a Magister. Firstly, I have the right to say hell no, I ain't doing that, but that may be breaking a contract which tends to get messy. Secondly, after so many years of service they pretty much treat you as one of their own."

"So... What is your rank?"

"Generally somewhere between Sergeant and Lieutenant. It depends on who you work for and what the job is. One could theoretically lead hundreds of men including Colonels, but answer to a specific private. Unlikely, but possible. For the most part we function as bodyguards and extra hands. Jobs that need doing but don't quite merit the resources of full military personnel. Such as escorting a group of archaeologists. Most likely nothing will happen, but I'm here just in case."

13 Factions: Nathan Rainer and the Grease Monkey (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now