The twins

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A lovely couples got two adorable twins. The one that has light pink hair and healthy body they named him Tenn and other one that has crimson red hair and has a disease (asthma) they named him Riku.

The couples so happy when they got beautiful twins and they will do everything for them.

When the twins 5 years old,


"Riku don't run!!! You will got attack if you run!!"

"Hihihi >w< sorry Tenn-nii"

"If you do that again... I will tickle you again"

"No no no ^w^ stop.... Hahahaha Tenn-nii it's tickle"

"This what you got for running Riku ^^"

"Ok ok ╥﹏╥"

"Tenn-nii who are they :0 ?"

"Oh I forgot they here 😒"

"HEY ):<"

"Now now Haruka that's no need to argue U-U"

"Let me introduce to you"

"I'm Natsume Minami"

"I'm Torao Mido ;)"

"I'm Inumaru Toma"

" *sigh* I'm Isumi Haruka"

"I'm Nanase Riku ^w^"

"So you Tenn's brother?" Minami asked Riku

"Yup we twins by the way ÛwÛ"

"Ooo....Wait.....what TWINS!?!?!?"

The all ZOOL members didn't believe it U>U. They asked so many questions to Riku.


"How Tenn treat you?!"



Tenn glare at Haruka for asking that same as the other members. They just stand or just said hide behind Riku.

"What you mean by devil? Tenn-nii is angel >^<"

ZOOL's members mind


"Why they said you a devil Tenn-nii *puppy eyes* "


"Tenn-nii? *tilted his head* " (try imagine it @-@)

Tenn's mind


*pout* "Tenn-nii >^<"

"Oh... Yes Riku?"

"Why are you zoomed out (ᗒᗩᗕ)"

"Oh sorry Riku 😔"

"Answer my questions why they call you devil?"

"Idk they just call me devil *lies* "

ZOOL's members

"What you just said Tenn :>"
"You always threatened us with a knife if we make you mad"

"Is that right? *turn his head to the ZOOL members* "

"Uhh... it's- *look at Tenn and noticed his dark aura surrounding him* "

"Y...Yeah it's... it's true right guys 😅" Haruka's body shivered after see Tenn's dark aura

"Ye...Yeah it's true. Oh my god I can't believe we forgot about it Ha...HahaHa 😅" all of them just nod their head

ZOOL's mind

"Please save us from the devil ToT"

"Oh it's ok >ω< but...why you guys shivering? *tilted his head* " (Help me my mind can't stand cuteness 🥺)


"Riku let's go home. Mom will be worried if we stay out late"

"Okay Tenn-nii :("

"We can play with them tomorrow if they free. You guys free...RIGHT *in dead tones* "

"Ye...Yes we free tomorrow right guys"

They just nod and still in shivered when Tenn is stare with death glare and death wishes.

ZOOL's mind

"Help us escaped from this devil ToT"

"Ok see you guys tomorrow *flower come from behind Riku*"

ZOOL's mind again

"Is he an angel"
"God thanks giving us this cute little angel"

All of them went back to their home and rest.

When the twins 7 years old


"Tenn-nii!!! Please don't go!!!"

"I'm sorry Riku"

"Hope we can met each other again soon"



"Come on Tenn"

"Okay Kujo san"





That night full of tears. Riku cry non stop thinking about Tenn-nii. He also tell to his and Tenn's friends that his brother left him for his sake.

They tried to comfort him and help Riku find his older brother back.

That's all for today. I'm can't stop imagine Tenn left Riku again and it's makes me sad. But I hope you guys can wait for the next chapter. Bye bye from author chan 💕💕💞💞♥️♥️❤️❤️

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