Chp. 2

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"We can stay here." Amelie stopped the car and we all walked out to go inside the small motel we almost passed earlier. We looked for the person in charge behind the desk to pay for our room but they are nowhere to be seen.

Maverick pressed the ring multiple times but no one answered. We sighed and decided to walk outside the motel.

"Yo! Visitors!" 

We turned our heads in the direction of the voice and it came from the motel. We found a teenage boy standing behind the desk in a formal uniform. We hurriedly went back inside in case he'll disappear again. 

"We're here to rent a room," Amelie said.

"Duh," Maverick whispered. Amelie rolled her eyes. We all patiently watched as the teenage boy find the keys.

"Can I ask where you all came from? Y'all seemed so... different." The boy kindly smiled and waited for our answer.

"Europe, we came from Europe." I hurriedly said before Maverick can say something stupid again.

"Ah, that explains why." He nodded his head and gave Amelie the pair of keys. We thanked him and walked upstairs to find our room.

"Guys! Where are your bags? I'll carry them to your room." The teenager politely asked and before we can answer he hurriedly walked to our vehicle.

"We need to improve our props," Maverick muttered.

I sighed and used my ability before the teenager can open the trunk.

"Y'all go inside! I'll carry these and I'll knock when I reached your door!" He smiled and ushered us to go back inside.

"I can't believe these are our so-called enemies." Maverick rolled her eyes and unlocked the door.

"Not all of them, Mave." Amelie laughed.

Maverick opened the door and let out a chuckle while looking around the room. "Wow, a single bed." 

"I will sleep on the floor." I addressed and pull out the fabric from the cushion and laid it beside the bed.


"It's final." 

They zipped their mouths and went to do their own business. 

"Hey, we'll find your parents." Amelie sat beside me on the floor and smiled.

I took this time to ask her about something that I know has been bothering her for a while. "You should admit it to her, you know?" 

"Who and about what?" Amelie faked a curious tone. I know she knows what and who I am talking about, what they both have is quite obvious it's making me want to roll my eyes all the time.

"You know what I am talking about, Amelie." I smiled and looked at the door where Maverick just went.

"Damn, you knew it." She whispered. I smirked and let out a little laugh.

"I mean, how could I not? I am pretty good at reading people." I crossed my arms and tried to look intimidating.

"This is why we're friends, but I think this isn't the time to have that talk with her..." 

I kindly smiled with a nod and offered her a hug.

"Oh come on! I just did a bathroom break and the two of you are already into it? Ugh, get another room!" Maverick curtly said and cringed at the sound of her voice.

"Aww, someone's jelly." Amelie teased and stood up. She slowly walked closer to Maverick and started to tickle her. That was my cue to leave from their sight.

"Oh my- Stop it!" Maverick said in between her giggles. The two continued their game and I smiled at the sight of the two. They would really make a cute couple. 

My eyes went to the black remote and I hastily grabbed it. I pressed the red button and a screen started to power up. I stood up and went in front of the big screen. 

Maverick's giggles stopped when we heard someone knocking on our door. We cautiously peeked at the window and comfortably sighed when it was just the teenage boy from earlier. 

"Here you go. Sorry if it took too long, someone just rented a room just above you." He looked above the room's ceiling.

We quietly nodded and took the bags with us. 

"Perfect! We have someone to bother." Maverick evilly laughed.

I opened the first bag and brought out all the fancy clothes. I proudly smiled to myself because I did all of that in a matter of time.

"Woah! These are A-Class!" Amelie gushed as she examined every piece of clothing stored in her bag.

They tried on the clothes while I curiously went outside the room. I looked for the stairs and I had this urge to go up. I have a feeling that I need to check who our new neighbor is.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're going upstairs" Maverick strictly said.

"No...I was just-"

"Let's all go together!" She clasped her hands and gazed interestingly at the stairs.

I examined her and it seems like she has good intentions. I quietly nodded and they hurriedly climbed the stairs while giggling. I followed them but my eyes suddenly went to the car that is parked beside our vehicle.

I looked at it and tried to see if someone is inside but to my surprise, it was just a typical vehicle, nothing strange. I shrugged my shoulders and went upstairs.

I saw Maverick and Amelie bending down in front of the room's door and signaling me to stay low. I awkwardly squatted and walked quietly to reach them. When I reached the room, I can hear the booming sound of music. 

"The heck?" I muttered.

"These are probably civilians," Amelie said. Then I remembered the car, no strange feeling at all.

"Or not," I whispered and slowly peeked at the small opening of the window.

"Get back down! They might see you!" Maverick whispered and tried to pull me down.

I peeked without struggling and my eyes widen when I saw a woman. She's standing with her back facing me, and I can't really tell if she's one of us or something different. Well, there's no strange feeling about her so I guess she's good.

"Guys she's completely harmless, look," I whispered and went back down for them to peek.

"What are you talking about? No one is here." Maverick curiously whispered.

I quickly pushed them back down and peeked my eyes at the opening again, only to be met by an empty room. The woman was gone!

"Huh? I swear guys, I just saw a woman standing in the middle of the room!" I blinked my eyes a few times. Illusions, I read about them before, but why would I have an illusion about an unfamiliar woman?

"Alright, this doesn't make sense at all, let's go back to our room," Amelie said and sighed defeatedly.

They started to retreat but my eyes stayed glued inside the empty room.

"Who are you," I muttered in the space where I just saw her standing. 

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