The Movies (Chapter 1)

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"So I'll see you guys there in 20?" "you got it." "alright." "yep." "bye guys. See you soon." I hung up the phone and got up out of bed. I was waiting all week for today. Since school was out, I didn't have much to do. I quickly switched out of my pyjamas to a more casual set. I wore black jeans, a grey shirt, my cap, and my signature red and yellow hoodie with a star in the middle. I opened the door to my room to see my little sister jumping up and down on the couch near the kitchen. Something was playing on the TV about some weird monster being spotted near the mall. I walked over in to the kitchen and got myself some cereal. After I finished it, I walked to the door.

"Muuum! I'm heading out!" I shouted as I unlocked the door. "okay! Be back before dinner!" Mum's voice sounded muffled since she was all the way in her room on the other side of the house.

I walked out of the house and got on my bike. I started to ride to mall where I would meet my friends, Katelyn, Joshua, and Charlie. I got to the mall in around 25 minutes, where they were all waiting for me.

"How the hell did you guys get here so fast?!" I said, puffed out. "well maybe you get off your ass once in a while and get faster!" Laughed Joshua, giving me a hi-five.
"oh shut up Josh. So what if Noah doesn't get out of bed. He had a rough couple of days!" Katelyn said kissing my cheek.

I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Should we go in now?" I asked.
"that would be nice..." Charlie said. He was always quite shy, but we're glad to have him as our friend.

We all went inside and decided that we would go see Panda Ninja III. We got to the cinema, bought our tickets and sat in the seats at the very back. 

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