Episode #2

46 2 0

In front of the Queen's House Gates.

3rd Pov:

Matt * takes pictures*: "Shit. Look at that place."

Steve : "Language."

Matt : "Sorry. I mean, it's impressive that Superboy Prime first ever battle with his Solar Suit took place inside of the Queen's House."

Steve : "Yep it sure is, I'd still remember that day the Queen was so mad that she wanted to sue him for property damage."

Matt : "Yeah and he said that the Villain decided to crash Into her house. But she still doesn't believe that after months of the incident."

Steve : "And some facts about the Queen. She might look like a nice old lady, but she comes from a long line of tyrants who all thought they were better than the rest of us."

Matt suddenly looks up to see something falling from the sky.

Matt : "Dad!" he shouted tackling his father figure out of the way.

The mysterious thing that fall from the skies splash everyone and the area with tomato sauce. Matt pickes up a box called [Burger Mart] and looked at it.

Matt : "I didn't know they had [Burger Marts] here."

Steve *with tears in his eyes* : "You called me Dad."

The both of them looked at each other before giving each other a hug.

Scene change to Guardians of the Globe Base.

The center of the base shows the dead bodies of multiple famous heroes on the floor. A door gets burst down with invisible Soilders running in to check the proximity area around them.

Soldiers then deactivated their invisible device.

Soldier 1 *guns down* : "Clear."

Paramedic 1 *running*: "Go, Go, Go! Get in there! One team per casualty!"

Paramedic 2 : "Move it!"

Paramedic 3 *checks on Omni-Man* : "Jesus christ."

Paramedic 5 : "What the hell happenned here?"

Paramedic 4 *sprays aqueous sealant* : "Applying Aqueous Sealant."

Paramedic 6 : "Is that part of her brain?"

Paramedic 7 : "It's the Green Ghost!"

Paramedic 4 : "Did you find all the pieces?"

Paramedic 8 : "I used to worship this guy as a kid." he said looking at DarkWing's body.

Paramedic 9 *puts device on immortal's neck* : "Get those on ice. Cut in the neck now. Watch out. Sometimes it affects the spinal-"

The dead body of Immortal gets up and punches the two paramedics and falls back down dead. One of the paramedics picks up the head of Immortal, she immediately takes off the mask and pukes on the floor.

Paramedic 4 :" Beginning nano-suscitation. *puts head on a device*. Locking in neural stabiliser."

Paramedic 9 *checks heart rate* : "Omni-Man's alive!"

Paramedic 10 : "Get out of the way! It's all we can do here." he said using device to pick up his body.

Paramedic 11 : "Hurry up!"

Paramedic 12 : "Get ready for transport. Go, Go, Go!" he said running out with a heroes dead body.

Paramedic 13 : "Careful. Don't bump her."

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