Episode #3

43 2 1

On the Flaxan's Home Planet.

3rd Pov:

Superboy-Prime *glaring with his heat vision* : "This will be the last time you Flaxans try to conquer Earth. Because this time, I won't be holding back......."

Millions of Flaxans looked at him terrified on what he can do on their Home Planet. While the Commander who is still glaring at him, charged and tried to hit him with a right hook but was freezed by Superboy-Prime's breath.

Superboy-Prime then pushed the frozen Commander with his finger making it fell onto the ground and broke into a millions of pieces.

The Flaxans that watched their Commander die started running away, trying to avoid their death but it was too late as Superboy-Prime shot his heat vision, killing millions of Flaxans with ease.

After that, Superboy-Prime sees multiple cities nearby. He flew towards the cities with a speed that's more faster than light and destroys everything by flying through each and every one of the city while using his heat vision at the same time.

Once he finished destroying every city there is on the planet that made the planet look like hell, he flew up into space and shot his heat vision onto the planet in a planetary level version of his heat vision.

(Found this on Google. And yes he can make his heat vision to the size of a planet.)

The heat vision burned the surface of the planet that killed trillions or maybe quadrillions of Flaxans on the planet and caused the core of the planet heat up and EXPLODE!!! Destroying the Flaxan's Home Planet.

Superboy-Prime then flew to find his home planet Earth at a more faster light speeds in the galaxies.

After a few minutes of finding, he sees the Milky Way galaxy and immediately flew into the galaxy and landed in front of his home on Earth. He enters the house and told them that he's back.

Superboy-Prime *smiles* : "I'm home!"

Mark *happy* : "Big bro!" he said hugging him.

Superboy-Prime gladly returned the hug to his Little brother. Then the TV's News Channel can be seen Live for a Breaking News.

Reporter : "I'm... I'm at a loss for how to report this, but the Guardians of The Globe...... Are dead."

Scene changes to a Control Room.

Cecil looks at the screen and orders his team to get a team out there.

Cecil *points to the screen* : "Get an extraction team out there now. Tell the French President we have it covered."

Cecil suddenly feels cold and sees his breath.

Cecil *ordering* : "I need the room. Now!"

The team shuts down the computers and walked outside of the Control Room.

Cecil : "Well? Enlighten me."

Darkblood then pops out of nowhere and told Cecil what he investigated.

Darkblood : "Know one thing for sure. No one else at scene of murders. Only Guardians. Omni-Man. Which means killer must be one of them."

Cecil : "One of them? There's a hundred super-villains who don't leave a trace. Who turn into smoke, or living electricity, or only exist in dreams."

Darkblood : "I know. You don't listen to m-."

Cecil *shouts*: "You listen! Now, you mention your idiotic thoughts to anyone, and I mean anybody, I'll make sure they're last thoughts you ever have. You understand me? Now get out. Get out! Before I send you back to hell myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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