Talia is born

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Malikai: Okay break it up! You can both share her. Like how Fifi has three lovers.

Blitzo giggles as he records this

Dark Rayman and Goth: Fine... *shake hands*

Nevaeh looks and sighs in relief as Ioryogi pikes from her bag.

Ioryogi- Huh. It seems like you got two admirers , Nevaeh.

Nevaeh- I know.

Jason sees Tiny coming with June*

Jason: Hey sweetie.

June- Hey , Daddy

Jason: This is it, the 9th month.

June- ( Smiles ) I know. I'm so excited.

June rubs her belly before Tatyana comes and slaps his rear

Jason: Oh!

Tatyana giggles and shows herself

Jason hugs her*

Tatyana- Mmmm..

Tiny: Why did you do that?

June- Dont mind them. They are a VERY flirty couple

Tiny: I see.

June then started to feel pain.

June- Ow !

Tiny: Honey what's wrong?

June- It's the baby !

Jason: Oh snap! To the hospital!

2 hours later..

The family hear the young teenager yelping in pain in the ER

Tiny is really worried*

Tatyana- I hope our baby is okay

Jason: I hope she is too.

Then, Nurse Redheart comes out

Tiny: Is my wife okay?

Redheart- Dont worry. She's A okay. She gave borth to a baby girl

Jason is happy: A girl?

Redheart nodded.

Tatyana- Oh my

Tiny: Can I see her?

Redheart- Of course you three can

The three went in*

They look and see June panting heavily as she holds her pink bundle of joy

Jason: Hey sweetie, where's our grandchild?

June- ( Smiles ) Right here , Dad.

The trio looked and see an adorable female orange weasel with black hair

Tiny: Oh my....

The baby sniffles amd squeaks

Tiny: I know what should I name her, I'll call her Talia.

June- ( Smiles ) Talia. I love that name

Tiny: It's a greek name.

Tatyana- ( Smiles ) It's a beautiful name

Jason: Hi there Talia, I'm your grandpa Jason.

Tatyana- And your grandmother Tatyana

Talia opened her eyes*

June gasps as she looks and sees she has her eyes

Jason: She has your eyes sweetie.

June- ( Smiles ) Thanks , Dad

Talia squeaks*

June giggles and snuggles her.

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