chapter 1 : the news

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Autumn has had some weird things going on lately. Her mom (Amy) decided to take her to the doctors, she went to 3 doctors because they couldn't specifically pinpoint what was wrong with her. After going to the third and final doctor (Doc. Norrin) They took blood tests and did lots of other things before finding out she had leukemia. Leukemia was a type of cancer, the doctor said there are 4 types of leukemia and she had Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia which is the most common one in children.

Autumn's point of view-

I didn't know how to respond it was as if I wasn't able to speak, I tried but nothing came out. My mother looked at me with a sympathetic and worried look on her face. Dr. Norrin had said that she'll let us have a minute to analyze what just happened as she left the room. My mom and I sat in silence for a while.

Amy's point of view (her mom)-

I broke the silence by asking her how she was doing about the whole situation. She shrugged her shoulders and didn't talk the rest of the appointment. On the way home during the car ride both of us were silent. I felt awkward, because my child shouldn't have to go through this problem and I knew I had to get her to talk about it to me. So I waited till we got into the house and got settled before I start asking her questions and getting all deep in feelings.

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