Chapter 2

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It is now Lunch time in Kuoh Academy, Nobu can be seen sitting in a bench under near a tree. He is currently tuning his electric guitar when he suddenly heard a voice

???: Excuse me but, that's my spot your sitting on.

Nobu looked infront of him to see, a small white haired girl who also happens to be the same girl he saw last at the werehouse

Nobu: Yeah so? What would you want me do, ningen.

???: could you move a bit so I can sit. Also don't call me ningen.

Nobu: Sorry, I have a complex. And the ningen calling train ain't gonna be stopping until I feel like it.

Koneko: So you have like a superiority complex or something?

Nobu: Depends.

Nobu then moved to the left and and the girl sat beside him taking out what seems like a chocolate bar

???: I've never seen you before. Are you a transfer student?

Nobu: Yeah, I just transferred yesterday.

???: BTW I'm Koneko Toujo. What's your name?

Nobu: Oda Nobunaga.

Koneko: Are you related to the real Oda Nobunaga?

Nobu: I'm his descendant actually.

Nobu then started to mingle with this part of his guitar

(I'm not really sure what that does but I'm just gonna say think that it records other sounds and can play it together)

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(I'm not really sure what that does but I'm just gonna say think that it records other sounds and can play it together)

After mingling with it for a few seconds he finally stopped and Koneko asked him

Koneko: So you play guitar?

Nobu: Yup. And don't ask me questions about what I like and what my hobbies are.

Koneko didn't asked anymore questions and just continued eating her chocolate. The 2 didn't notice but many students were looking at them

FS1: Hey check that out. The school mascot is sitting next to the transfer.

FS2: do you think they are dating?

MS1: Damn that transfer is lucky he is sitting next to the school mascot!

MS2: and he is only here for 2 days!

Nobu got irritated by the talking and yelled


That made the students stop talking and looked away and he finally started to play his guitar gaining the students attention again

Change POV

Sona and Tsubaki are currently walking out of the cafeteria

Tsubaki: Do you think Oda-San would actually play chess with you today?

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