Chapter 3

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I was lead into a canteen full of other people around my age or slightly older. Could they have been from other mazes?
"Hey Y/N!" I recognised that voice. It was Minho.
"Hey Minho, what's up?" I replied to him. He looked around for a split second before answering me.
"We weren't the only maze." After, he took me to a table with all of my Glader friends but there were two other people I didn't recognise.
"Then there was this big, loud explosion. Guys with guns started shooting up the place." One of the boys said as I sat down.
"It was intense." The other boy stated. I noticed a boy just diagonal to our table with his hood up staring blankly at everyone. Clearly, I wasn't paying attention.
"How long have you guys been here?" The British Newt asked the boy in front of Thomas.
"Not long, just a day or two. That kid over there, been here the longest. Almost a week." The dark boy told us. We all turned our heads to the boy I noticed earlier. He didn't have anyone sitting with him so I thought they must be getting tests done. Then, Janson walks in and reads some names off a board. Thomas wasn't listening as I noticed him staring at a large window with Teresa walking past it. When Janson walks out, thats when he takes action.
"Hey Teresa." Thomas said scared for the girl as he walks over to the window and she looks over at him. The lonely boy from earlier takes his hood down as this is happening. I couldn't help but stare. Thomas gets stopped because a guard is talking to him but we all get taken to our bunks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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