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TW: Slight Mention of Abusive Parents, Slight Violence

"...even while I'm surrounded by all of these horrid things and feelings..."

After being sent to my room by Vincent, I still can't get over what Remington said. Like, did he actually mean it? Probably not. I mean he always makes jokes like that around me, but not around anyone else. It probably doesn't mean anything though. I don't even know why I even bother thinking about it anymore, but being in this room alone, he's the only thing I think about.

I don't even know why I think of him that much. I mean I like him, but not in that way. I also kind of feel... different when he's around. I'm not sure why I do. Again I don't like him like that, at least I don't think I do. It's confusing.

Oh forget it, I think I do think of him like that, but I've never felt this way with a man, so I think my mind just wants me to suffer.

Even if I did like him like that, my parents would probably kill me. But luckily, I'm pretty sure I don't feel that way about him.

The thing is, the way that I feel about him is weird. Like when he makes one of his jokes, I wanna laugh, but at the same time, it annoys me. But his aura also makes me feel... comfortable. Like he's just so open with himself, and I wish I could be like that.

Even if my parents knew that I was friends with someone like him, they'd probably disown me. They always think I'm just with Beatrix since she's the only one they know exists. Sometimes, I just wish I could tell my parents how I really felt about everything.

I think my parents are the reason that I kinda brush him off a lot, though. Like I think that my parents will see me actually talking to someone like him, and then they'll just slap me like they always do. I hate that I do that to him. Like it doesn't seem to affect him, at least on the outside.

Sometimes, I just want to hug him and say sorry for every time I've just given him the cold shoulder. I just want him to know how I actually feel, and I wish I actually knew how I felt about him.

It feels like I almost... have a crush on him somewhat. That may sound a little weird, but that's the closest thing I can think of that describes my feelings for him, but I've only ever liked girls. Dear god, I've been overthinking again. Luckily, I got interrupted before I could go any deeper.

One of the workers came in and gave me the clothes that I had worn here originally. I changed and then they guided me out to the hall and lo-and-behold, there was Remington.

"Ya lookin' pre'y fine, Klausy," he snickered. Klausy. Every time he said that, I got that weird feeling again. But, me being me, I did my standard 'I don't care' thing.

"And you look like you just crawled out of a mental institution," I scoffed back. He laughed a little bit before putting his arm over my shoulder and walked with me down the hall and stairs. I put on an agitated face so that no one would get suspicious. I just don't know how much longer I can do it.

As everyone made their way down the stairs and to the dining room, they were greeted with an odd sight. There were new people chained up to the chairs. Vincent was standing in his usual spot. Nixon and Carmen were standing a little behind him.

"Why don't you guys stand with Nixon and Carmen, while I introduce you to our newcomers." Vincent gestured to Carmen and Nixon. The group walked to them and Vincent went to the front. One of the people, who had split-dyed hair, was already crying.

He pointed to her. "This one is Melody." Her split-dyed hair had black on the right side and pastel pink on the left. She had bangs as well. Her face was heart-shaped with a sharp jawline. She had a set of brown doll-like eyes. Her small nose added to her dollness. She had heart lips that were covered with liquid pink lipstick, which was slightly smeared. She was wearing a pink cardigan with a short white shirt dress.

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