Chapter 2 : Let's Do This Again Sometime

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Jasmine's POV
I woke up to my computer blaring. I groaned and opened it.

ooVoo: Call incoming from APRM...

I pressed the green button.

"Jesus, Jasmine, I've been calling you all morning."

"What the fuck do you want?", I mumbled, wiping my face with my hand.

"Good morning to you too."

"What, Anthony?", I glared at my clock. 7:30

"You look dead."

"Is that what you called to tell me?"

"Nope. You have an interview in an hour.", I looked back at the clock, realizing I was supposed to leave in half an hour. I threw my head back and groaned.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

"I know, it seems as if it almost sucks having a life."

"Thanks, Clyde."

"Anytime, Bonnie. Talk to you later."

"Okay, byeeeeee.", I said, sticking my tongue out and pressing the red button. The second I hung up, I jumped up and ran into the shower. After that I brushed my teeth, did my hair, did minimalistic makeup, got dressed, grabbed an apple, and ran out of the door.

When I got to the interview, there were already a few people waiting outside. I walked up to a man with an afro and said, "Hi. I'm Jasmine. This is the place for interviews, right?"

"Yeah! What's up? I'm Daveed. I'm here for the interviews too. They haven't opened the store yet."

"Cool! I like your name."

"Thank you. It's just a unique, Jewish version of David.", he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Still pretty cool," I shrugged. "Do you know what time they'll let us in?"

"No clue.", a tall, bulky man answered. I looked at him, confused. "I'm Oak, we're roommates.", he answered to my confusion.

"Ah, okay. Jasmine."

"Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too." I felt a buzz in my pants. I excused myself and walked away. I looked at my phone.

ooVoo: Call incoming from J4CKIE...

I pressed the green button.

"I'm going to murder you." My eyes widened, thinking about what I could have done to make her upset.

"Um, hi?", I shyly responded, tip toeing around the fact that I have no clue what's going on.

"Are you mad at me? Cause you know I don't like it when people beat around the bush."

"Definitely not."

"You haven't talked to me all day!"

"It's literally 8:45."


"I'm at that interview, relax."

"Ohhh, I forgot you had that interview.", she mumbled. Daveed came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. "They're about to unlock the door and let us in.", he whispered.

"Thanks!" I turned back to Jackie and she had a familiar look on her face. "Nuh-uh. No. Future co-worker. No, Jackie."

"Riiiight. Go slay your interview or whatever."

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