Yes Supreme Leader [ Kylo X Reader ]

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A/N: So The first part up until dinner is part of a shift I had the rest is just a bonus for you guys. 

My black dress flowed down the hallways of the finalizer. "Mrs. Ren" troopers would say as they passed by me.  I would nod in their direction, and keep pushing forward. My black heels clicking along on the metal floors. My long hair flowing down my shoulders. Red lipstick kissed my lips with my smoky eyeshadow making my eyes framed and sharp.

"We need more troopers down at that base, I don't care. They won't get away this time" I heard his annoying voice from down the hall. My heels still clicking, and everyone knew I was walking to the conference room. 

"You better get moving before SHE comes," Hux warned who he was yelling at. I had a smirk on my face. "Talking about me again Hux?" I grinned sinisterly. 

"Of course not Y/N. Was just trying to get more troops down to the base." He stated, obviously annoyed by my presence. "I can sense you are uneasy about my appearance, General Hux," I said getting close to him. "Not at all Mrs. Ren, You can barely see the scar" He stated, making it obvious that I was wounded in my last battle. 

"Good. Then I will suspect that you will not stare at it while I speak to you." I smirked knowing he was looking at it now.

My last battle was 2 weeks ago on Mustafar with Kylo. We were attacked by some rebels, and I got sliced in the face by one of them trying to wield my lightsaber I dropped.

"Of course Mrs. Ren, my apologies. How are you feeling?" He asked and toned his voice down. 

"I am just fine Hux. It's my husband you should be worried about." I smirked, hearing his heavy boots coming around the corner and Hux straightening up again. "Hux, I sense you have bad news for me?" Kylo stated looking out onto the planet we were invading. 

"No sir, as I was telling empress y/n, we are sending more troopers down for battle." He stated hesitantly.

"Very well then, also, if I hear another remark about her face, I will force choke you into the next galaxy." Kylo spat at Hux.  A smile appeared on my face as the Supreme Leader defended my honor. 

"Empress Ren, as long as Hux is capable of keeping up the barrage on the rebels, we should get to plans" Kylo stated, it came through rough when his mask was on. Almost like a demand. 

"Yes, Supreme Leader" I replied and followed him out of the corridor. 

"Are you ok my empress?" He asked stopping and turning around. I can't tell if he is looking at my face with his mask on, but I can feel the tension off of him.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. I am just fine" I said with a fake smile, and pretend the cut across my face doesn't hurt. 

"Those silly rebels thought they could take you out. Little did they know, how well-formed you are to the force. We just need to keep working on your combat." He breathed out into the mask. He then faced forward and began walking again.

I trailed right behind him making sure I was two steps behind. 

He used the force to open a door, and suddenly the room looked like it was on Naboo. My eyes went wide, and it was beautiful. "Wow" I breathed out.

I heard the hissing noise of his mask, and I looked over in the direction. 

"Y/N, welcome to the projection room." He smiled at me. 

I looked around and admired the breezes and the way the room made it feel we were on the balcony of his grandmother's vacation house. 

He came up behind me as I looked out onto the projected lake. He kissed my shoulder and I looked up at him. "Thank you, Kylo" I hummed in happiness.

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