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C a t h a r s i s



After being standoffish about the mannerisms, culture, and activities of human beings for centuries, who would've actually thought that the Yaksha will fall for one? 

It's funny to think of—suppose the saying that one shouldn't speak in close-ended sentences lest it bites you is true.

And for someone who was bitten by the very words he contradicts now, the sentiment of shame remains ever perpetual.

The voices of bygone gods remain in an abyss inside his head, enough to teeter him to insanity—but the ache of a supposed heart of stone, as ironic as it is, will be the one to ease the mad voices of said deities.

That is because the pain in his viscus is caused none other by the prospect of not meeting the lady who warmed it in her hands. Knowing that he may never meet again, living only as a memory that may as well be fleeting, however—is nothing short of cathartic.

At least then he has the memory of her voice still present.

He can only hope that it won't be forgotten in time.

And he won't allow it.

The tiny speck of cerulean, a small wisp of a seelie, daringly trails closer to his raised fingers. Its magnificent glow is accentuated from the dark environment at Windrise, and he cannot help but feel at ease.

Briefly, it touches the tips of his fingers and he's met with a certain warmth of viridity—for the touch of a lost soul, he's able to see the dreams it has failed to achieve.

The seelie was young. Died early.

Its dreams are full of childlike wonder and eunoia, something that reminds him so much of [Name].

The look of solace in his face vanishes when the small wisp flies away a second after making contact with his fingers and he gasps silently, almost leaning to catch it when he stopped himself just at the nick of time.

A frown covers his lips as he watches it disappear and he looks down on his gloved hand.

Squinting with forlorn, he clenches his fist and sighs.

Eternally entwined with mortala, it's not a surprise that the seelie chose to fade than linger around his presence.

The Yaksha ponders over the similarity it had with [Name]—perhaps, since he was so withdrawn from her affections, choosing not to act on it... the universe decided to spare her from any future pain that will be caused by him.

The thought is saddening, especially now that he's just reflected on his doings.

Right when he's given up his place in search of her, she disappears.

The pain is exquisite and idle in his chest, but in spite of this, hope is still encased inside. The Adeptus is yet to visit the other regions, there's no use in lingering when the possibilities are still there.

Golden optics leave the large statue of the Anemo Archon in front of the cathedral, mentally bidding a formal farewell to the Archon before turning with plans to leave the city of idylls. 

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