TWO: Pulling Me Under

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What can I do?
When it's pulling me under
Pulling me underneath...

The warmth of the sun was what woke Elena up, she sat upright and began to look herself over- wasn't she supposed to be dead?

Elena tried to remember why she was in a bedroom, she didn't know and clothes that were too expensive for her liking, but the king sized four-poster bed was indeed comfortable.

Flashes of the previous night came flooding back. Stefan.

He left her there.

Panic began to spread as she tried to feel for a heart beat, but couldn't feel one- was she in transition?

Tears began to form, the door to the bedroom opened up which made Elena jump, the one person she had least expected walk in.


"You-" Elena watched as he placed a silver tray down, the scent of coffee, paint and strawberries filled the air.

God, she was hungry.

"Ah, you're awake."
"You saved me."

Klaus placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her back to the bed, Elena had wondered if he was the one responsible for the new clothes.

Did he change her? Oh god... He saw her naked!

"Am I dead? This has to be a dream- I'm dreaming."

"Elena," Klaus called, she liked the way her name rolled of his tongue. "You're not dead and you're most certainly not dreaming."

That was when Elena began to laugh, hysterically, Klaus seemed rather uncertain and amused by her sudden change of emotions.

It's a delayed shock reaction.

"He left me there," Elena hiccups, rubbing her temples as flashes of the previous night came flooding back again, but more vibrant this time. "He left me to die... Why- why would he do that?"

Klaus caressed her face, cupping her chin with his hand, making her look at him and then pulled the girl into a small embrace. "Hush love, you've had an eventful night."
"How long was I out for?"

"Around 8 hours, give or take."
Elena let out a small breath of relief, she wasn't a vampire, not that there was anything wrong with being a vampire- Caroline made it look easy.


"Oh, my god- Caroline!" Elena gripped the front of his shirt. "She's dying! I remember I was on the way to bargain with you."

"Elena- breathe." Klaus took her by the shoulders, giving her a little bit a of a shake. "Caroline is fine, I've already healed her."

Elena took small breaths, she couldn't believe she almost had a panic attack in front of him- the man that killed her.
And Jenna.

It was then that she saw a look of emotion on his face that Elena thought she'll never see.


Did he feel responsible for her almost death?
"I don't blame you, I hope you know that." Klaus looked up at her, confusion on his face. "Stefan is to blame here, he took this way too far."

"I had hopes he would at least not let you die, I thought I wouldn't reach you in time."
"But you did."

Klaus tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, smiling at her. "For selfish reasons, I just wished you hadn't been use like that."

They seemed awfully close now, it was Klaus that broke the distance between them. "I'll leave you to rest, I've brought you something to eat and drink."

Elena watched the puzzle that was Niklaus Mikaelson walk out the room, pulling the door shut- That man was not the same Klaus Mikaelson everyone spread rumors about.

He seemed lonely.

She mentally scoffed, of course he would be lonely- the only people that knew him truly were in coffins and being used as chess pieces in a game that Stefan seemed to be playing.

And her friends were in on it.

No wonder Klaus retaliated the way he did, true he could've avoid getting Caroline bitten.

After having some of the assorted fruits and finished of the glass of water, Elena decided to go and see just where the hell she was, opening the door and peaked.

The coast was clear.

She walked passed a door that was slightly opened, glancing inside- Elena froze as her eyes landed on a very wet, shirtless Klaus Mikaelson.

He seemed to be wearing a towel around his waist, a flush of colour danced across her face as she was caught staring.

Probably best if she kept on walking. Yeah, just keep walking straight and hopefully find the exit.

Picking up the pace, Elena walked to the large room that was at the end of the corridor, it was filled with different sized canvases.

Elena had thought she walked into an art museum that she seen in books, there was a painting that stood in the middle of the room, the scarlet red brush strokes were still fresh.

"You should be resting."
Elena tensed, feeling his chest against her back, she turned her head slightly to look at him- Least he was dressed.
In a paint covered Henley shirt and with matching paint covered jeans."I'm not tired."

"So I see."
Turning her attention back onto the canvases, eyes scanning them, stopping at ones that peaked her interests. "Did you do these?"

"I never knew you painted."

Klaus smirked, placing a hand over his heart, lightly mocking her. "I feel insulted. What do you think I do in my spare time? Torture children?"

"No. Never children." Elena teased back, making Klaus chuckle. "Perhaps plot world domination."

"Perhaps." He laughed, it didn't seem forced nor was it sinister- a genuine laugh. "Do you like them?"

Elena picked up the canvas nearest her. "I don't know much about art, Jeremy got the artistic side of the family. But I think they're beautiful."

"Thank you."

Elena nibbled on her bottom lip, she pointed at the canvas that seemed to be the center of the room but was covered by a sheet. "What's that?"

"Just something from memory."

He didn't go into further detail, Elena pouted which made him chuckle. "Once its finish I'll let you see it."

"Yes, I promise."

They were close, again, but Elena cleared her throat and put an arm's length between them. "I think I should go- Jermey might start to worry about me."

"Or you could stay."

Elena burst out laughing, Klaus seemed a little taken back by it, her giggles died down. "Don't push it." She teased. "I was just starting to like you."

"Come on love," Klaus leaned forwards, Elena swore she could see the wheels turning in his head. "It's just dinner. There's no hidden agenda behind it, take a chance, Elena."

"Fine." Elena called, rolling her eyes at his iconic smirk that curled upwards. "Dinner and then I'm going home."

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